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Book cover
Rural Welfare to Work in Wales: Young people’s experiences

This chapter is concerned with exploring the lived experience of welfare-to-work policy in rural Wales through the lens of participant observation with young people undertaking the initial course that represents their first encounter with the New Deal for Young People (NDYP).1 I wish to respond to calls for qualitative explorations into marginalised rural life through discussing…

Understanding Contemporary Wales book cover
Place and Belonging

The book chapter Place and Belonging features in Understanding Contemporary Wales, a book edited by Hugh Mackay. This book introduces a social science-based analysis of Wales, providing a contemporary account of politics, culture, society and the economy of Wales. It will introduce and apply some key concepts, theories and debates regarding difference and identities in…

Journal Cover
Fire incidence in metropolitan areas: A comparative study of Brisbane (Australia) and Cardiff (United Kingdom)

In their previous research, they applied spatial statistics and regression analysis to explore the relationships between the types of socio-economic factors that are associated with different fire incident types for an area of South Wales, UK. In this paper, this analysis is extended by using a comparative approach applying regression analysis to examine intra-urban trends…

Journal Cover
Immigration and the Economy

Immigration has become one of the most discussed and controversial topics in recent public and political debates. This is true not just in the United Kingdom (UK), but also elsewhere in Europe, as well as in many other advanced economies, most notably the United States (US). For example, immigration became a major discussion point during…

Journal Cover
Inside Out: An ‘English’ dispersal into North-West Wales

This article is based on an empirical baseline study undertaken in 2005 which examined the experience of ‘the English’ who have moved and settled into north-west Wales. The movement of the British/white groups and their experiences have been less of a subject for examination and yet a dispersal of ‘the English’/British as both immigrants and…

Book Cover
Urban outreach and the polyrhythmic city

Using an ethnographic approach to urban daily mobility practices in Santiago de Chile, this chapter analyses the everyday generation of mobile places. It argues firstly that place making can be generated on the spaces encountered in mobility that is those spaces travelled on, in, by, through or within: buses, Metros, cars, bicycles or foot, become…

Journal Cover
Performing Rurality and Practising Rural Geography

Recent research in rural geography has shown increasing interest in the ways in which rurality is performed and enacted by diverse actors. Rural geographers have also demonstrated increasing awareness of their own ‘performances’ as researchers, including their enactment of multiple roles in engaging with research subjects, funders and users. This progress report for rural geography…

Environment, Tourism and Leisure – Policy Briefing

Qualitative research from Wales sought to explore aspects of childrens views on government and participation. The research project was conducted in 2001 with 105 children aged 811 from a diverse sample of schools across Wales. The article first reports the childrens perspectives on different levels (and places) of government: the UK parliament and the Welsh…

Localities in North Wales: a baseline report

This is the first version of the localities baseline report. The intention is to update the report periodically when new data are released and as the Localities research progresses.

Front page of policy briefing
Crime, public space and policing

Significantly, within the Welsh Assembly Government, all crime, public space and policing matters are housed under the umbrella of community safety and Social Justice. The Welsh Assembly Government’s approach to these matters, from the appointment of the first minister of Social Justice and Regeneration in 2003 has been an attempt to locate responses to crime…