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Your search returned 142 results
Journal cover
Accounting for geographical variance in the union satisfaction gap

Evidence of spatial variance in the relationship between trade union membership and job satisfaction is limited. Using three nationally representative data sets, we examine lower levels of satisfaction among union members and considers how this relationship varies geographically across the nations and regions of Great Britain. The analysis demonstrates that the union satisfaction gap can…

European Sociological Review 35(3) cover
Intergenerational transmission and support for the EU membership in the UK: The case of Brexit

Euroscepticism is increasingly important to the shaping and understanding of contemporary European public opinion and politics. The origins of the trait, however, particularly the values that predispose individuals to view the European Union (EU) as a legitimate (or otherwise) political institution, remain poorly understood. Literature on political socialization identifies the family as a vital influence…

Cover of The Oxford Handbook of Expertise.
Studies of expertise and experience: a sociological perspective on expertise

The research programme known as Studies of Expertise and Experience (SEE), often referred to as the “Third Wave of Science Studies,” treats expertise as real and as the property of social groups. This chapter explains the foundations of SEE and sets out the theoretical and methodological innovations created using this approach. These include the development…

Cover of Applied Geography
An evaluation of alternative measures of accessibility for investigating potential ‘deprivation amplification’ in service provision

Studies examining potential social inequities in resource distribution have tended to adopt relatively unsophisticated measures of service supply such as those derived from proximity measures or counts of facilities within given time/distance thresholds. Often such measures do not take into account potential demand for services and the implications this has for understanding socio-spatial patterns in…

Article Image
Testing the ability of multivariate hybrid spatial network analysis to predict the effect of a major urban redevelopment on pedestrian flows

This paper explores a new approach to pedestrian modelling using multivariate hybrid spatial network analysis. Using a case study of Cardiff, Wales it demonstrates how the approach can be used to predict pedestrian flows after a major development of the city centre including the construction of a new purpose built shopping mall. The model is…

Report Cover
Skills and Employment Survey 2017 – Technical Briefing

The aim of this Briefing is two-fold.  First, it provides data users with a concise and succinct outline of the fieldwork protocols and outcomes used to produce the Skills and Employment Survey 2017 (SES2017).  A fuller account can be found in the Technical Report provided by GfK which is available on the project web site.[1] …

Journal Cover
There is more than one way – a study of mixed analytical methods in biographical narrative research

The number of studies using biographical narrative data has increased worldwide. Given the variety of analytical approaches in narrative research, a critical investigation of the relationship between the methodological procedures and the implications for research practice is needed. This article reports on a mixed analysis study applying three analytical methods to autobiographical narrative interview data:…

Cover of the Welsh Economic Review
The experiences of participants in ESF funded training programmes

This paper presents findings from an investigation into the experiences of people who participated in training programmes in Wales, between 2009 and 2013, which were supported by the European Social Fund (ESF). The two ESF Operational Programmes (referred to as the Convergence and Competitiveness Programmes) benefiting Wales for the programming period 2007-13 provided just over…

Sage Research Methods Logo
Analysing Biographical Interviews: Welfare States, the Imperative to Work and Accounts of Redemptive Citizenship

The interview extract in this dataset is provided by Dr Helen Blakely from the Welsh Institute of Social and Economic Research Data and Methods, Cardiff University. The data are taken from a multi-method study, which examined the lives of a group of welfare-reliant single mothers living in the upper reaches of the South Wales Valleys,…