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Wales Is Having A Rethink About Its Place In The UK – Could It Lead The Way For Everyone Else?

Can the United Kingdom survive Brexit? This remains one of the great unanswered questions of our time. Politically, two major narratives have dominated. The first is that the UK is on a break-up trajectory. Brexit has revived the Scottish independence movement and destabilised Northern Irish politics. Clashes between UK and devolved governments over dealing with…

Applied Spacial Analysis and Policy cover
Understanding Spatial Variations in Accessibility to Banks Using Variable Floating Catchment Area Techniques

Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy: Contemporary Applications for Spatially Integrated Social Science 14(3) pp 449-472 In response to changing consumer habits driven by the advance of online services and mobile apps, substantial reductions in the provision of bank branches have been widely documented over the last decade. Such closures have economic consequences for the sustainability of…

Journal of Contemporary Religion 36(2) cover
Religion and local civil society: participation and change in a post-industrial village

Journal of Contemporary Religion 36(2) pp 287-309 The relationship between religion and civil society at the macro-level has attracted the attention of sociologists of religion but empirical detail of how religion is connected to the social relations and practices that constitute local civil society is relatively lacking. This article explores the contemporary social and communal significance…

Image of the Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy journal cover
Understanding Town Centre Performance in Wales: Using GIS to Develop a Tool for Benchmarking

Welsh Government policy establishes town centres as central places of community activity and local prosperity, recognising the positive impact towns have on the local economy and the well-being and cohesion felt amongst local communities. In light of this, recent declines in the usage of town centres are a major cause for concern. These have not…

Regional & Federal Studies Journal Cover
The Framing Territorial Demands (FraTerr) dataset: A novel approach to conceptualizing and measuring regionalist actors’ territorial strategies

Regional and Federal Studies 2022 Forthcoming This article introduces a new dataset on regionalist actors’ territorial demands and frames in Europe. The FraTerr dataset advances on existing datasets by proposing a more fine-grained understanding of regionalist actors’ territorial demands, and is the first to provide comparative data on how these are framed. Methodologically, it develops an…

Eurasian geography and economics journal cover
Book review: Communist parties revisited: sociocultural approaches to party rule in the Soviet bloc 1956-1991

Eurasian Geography and Economics, 2021, ahead-of-print, 1-3 This is a valuable, informative, and timely book. The historical period it considers, 1956–1991, was one in which the communist parties of Central and Eastern Europe ruled, apparently as passive satellite instruments of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. The Communist International (Comintern) was dissolved by Stalin in 1943…

Tackling Labour Markets cover
Tackling Labour Market Injustice and Organising Workers: The View from a Northern Heartland

This report, based on 42 interviews with workers, trade unionists and other stakeholders, examines the phenomena of low-paid and precarious work in Sheffield. It focuses on the factors driving the prevalence of such work (including the links with welfare reform), the experiences of workers in seven distinct employment sectors, as well as trade union responses…

Population, Space and Place
Rethinking lifestyle and middle-class migration in “left behind” regions

Population, Space and Place, 2021, ahead-of-print So-called “left behind” regions have gained infamy for working-class discontent. Yet a concurrent phenomenon has gone unremarked: middle-class lifestyles in peripheral places. This article examines how middle-class migrants (defined by economic, social, and cultural capital) to peripheral regions envisage and enact their aspirations. Against presumed migration trajectories to growing…