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Report Cover
Key to Care: Report of the Burstow Commission on the future of the home care workforce

Home care should be about empowering people to live independent lives near the people and places that are important to them. It should be the way that we help people get back on their feet after a health or personal crisis. It should be the way that we save money by avoiding unnecessary hospitalisation and…

Globalisation, Societies, and Education
Academics across borders: narratives of linguistic capital, language competence, and communication strategies

This article reports on a study that examined the personal employment paths of six international academics at a British university. To complement previous accounts of difficult migration, it focuses on the successful experiences of such academics, in particular how proficiency in English facilitated their move into employment in higher education (HE), and the linguistic competences…

Front page of report
Evaluating the Foundation Phase: key findings on children and families

The Foundation Phase (introduced in 2008) provides a developmentally appropriate experiential curriculum for children aged 3-7 in Wales. The Welsh Government commissioned independent evaluation (led by WISERD) aims to evaluate how well it is being implemented, what impact it has had, and ways in which it can be improved. The three-year evaluation utilises a range…

Report front page
Evaluating the Foundation Phase: key findings on staffing

The Foundation Phase (introduced in 2008) provides a developmentally appropriate experiential curriculum for children aged 3-7 in Wales. The Welsh Government commissioned independent evaluation (led by WISERD) aims to evaluate how well it is being implemented, what impact it has had, and ways in which it can be improved. The three-year evaluation utilises a range…

Journal cover
Institutional ableism, critical actors and the substantive representation of disabled people: Evidence from the UK Parliament 1940-2012

This study is concerned with the substantive representation of disabled people (SRDP) in legislative settings; in other words, addressing disabled people’s needs and concerns in policy and lawmaking. Mixed methods analysis of post-1940 Acts of the UK Parliament, backbench MPs’ use of early day motions (EDMs) and written parliamentary questions (WPQs) reveals long-standing institutional ableism….

Report cover
Better Health & Social Care: How are Co-ops & Mutuals Boosting Innovation & Access Worldwide, Volume 2: National Cases

Health is a central element of well-being and happiness. Good health enables a long and productive life. Good health is essential to the fulfillment not only of the aspirations of individuals and their relatives but also the aspirations of society as a whole. Volume 2: National Cases reports on the results of each National case…

Parliamentary Affairs journal front cover
Public Policy for Non-humans: Exploring UK State-wide Parties’ Formative Policy Record on Animal Welfare, 1979-2010

This study uses mixed methods to explore the issue salience and policy framing of animal welfare in UK state-wide parties’ Westminster election manifestos and parliamentary Early Day Motions. Over the past three decades there has been a gradual increase in salience, accompanied by a Left–Right cleavage. The latter is a function of contrasting framing practices…

Journal Cover
Book Review: Towers, Turbines and Transmission Lines: Impacts on Property Value

Introduction Opponents of wind farms and other contested infrastructure developments often base their arguments against such developments in terms of impacts on, for example, landscape aesthetics, tourism potential, health concerns and property values in the areas surrounding such developments. With regard to the latter, there is a relatively small evidence base on which to judge…