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Evidence Symposium: Health Inequalities in Wales

There is wide variation in health outcomes even between countries at similar levels of economic development. Murray and Frenk wrote an evidence briefing on this topic for the World Health Organization in 2000 (1,2). That briefing discussed the several frameworks that existed then for measurement of health system performance and proposed a number of improvements…

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The Changing Shape of the UK Jobs Market and the Implications for the Bottom Half of Earners

This paper reports on two research projects, one of them completed some time ago, theother ongoing. The first project was funded by the New York based Russell SageFoundation and involved a comparative study of low pay in the five European countries – theUK, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Denmark. This was subsequently extended in acomparative…

Report Cover
An Analysis of Subjective Wellbeing in Wales: Evidence from the Annual Population Survey

This report examines Annual Population Survey (APS) data containing new questions on Subjective Wellbeing (SWB). It focuses on comparisons between variations in SWB across countries of the UK and areas within Wales, as well as how SWB varies by demographic sub-groups within Wales. In particular, it identifies groups of individuals and areas within Wales where…

journal article
The Productivity Gaps in Wales: Evidence from Firm Level Data

Despite continued efforts through improved levels of investment in infrastructure and education, Wales continues to trail behind the rest of the UK in terms of productivity performance. In this paper we review recent trends and present firm-level findings that suggest that the Priority Sectors first identified by the Welsh Government’s latest economic plan have little…

Journal Cover
How Far Does Mobility Get Us?

It is now five years since Sheller and Urry (2006) published their summation of an emergence across the social sciences of the ‘new mobilities paradigm’. Sheller and Urry posited then that a form of interdisciplinary convergence was occurring centring on interests with mobility. Research that took mobility as its object and topic, they argued, had demonstrated that…

WISERD & Welsh Government Evidence Symposium: Wellbeing in Wales

Attendees were welcomed and introduced themselves. It was explained that this event wasthe first of a series co-funded by the ESRC, to be held in collaboration with the WalesInstitute for Social and Economic Research, Data & Method (WISERD). The aim of theseevents will be to facilitate a regular and genuine dialogue between policy makers andpractitioners.