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Your search returned 222 results
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Forging an inclusive labour market – empowering workers and communities : an interim report on low pay and precarious work in Sheffield

The Sheffield Needs A Pay Rise (SNAP) is a campaign that has been initiated by Sheffield Trades Union Council (STUC). The impetus for the campaign was the earlier creation of the Britain Needs A Pay Rise organising theme by the national Trades Union Congress1 in the autumn of 2014. STUC has sought to develop this…

Independent Review of Estyn’s Contribution to Wales’ Education Reform Programme

In December 2017 Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education in Wales commissioned WISERD to undertake an independent review of the implications for Estyn following the significant changes taking place in Wales through the development of a new curriculum together with a wide range of education reforms. The report written as a result of this review…

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Skills and Employment Survey 2017 – Technical Briefing

The aim of this Briefing is two-fold.  First, it provides data users with a concise and succinct outline of the fieldwork protocols and outcomes used to produce the Skills and Employment Survey 2017 (SES2017).  A fuller account can be found in the Technical Report provided by GfK which is available on the project web site.[1] …

WISERD Education: Changing the landscape of educational research in Wales Welsh Cover
WISERD Education: Changing the landscape of educational research in Wales

WISERD Education was launched in 2012 in order to change the landscape of educational research in Wales. The main aims of the Programme were: to enhance the capacity to carry out high quality educational research within the higher education sector in Wales; •    to undertake research activities designed to improve the quality of learning and…

Cover of "Evaluation of the Seren Network"
Evaluation of the Seren Network

In July 2017, the Welsh Government appointed OB3 Research, in conjunction with WISERD, to undertake an evaluation of the Seren Network. A formative and process evaluation of the Seren Network was commissioned to inform decisions about the criteria for young people’s participation and the design and delivery of the programme at national and local levels….

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Retailing in Wales’ Largest Towns & Cities 2017

This report reveals the latest figures of Wales’ Towns and Cities including the number of retail premises, the vacancy rates, the retail structure and the relationship with socio-economic characteristics and geographical typology. The main takeaways: The vacancy rate decreased in Wales in all three location types (Retail parks, high streets and shopping centres) that LDC track and…

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Delivering Transformation in Wales: Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act, 2014

The initial findings of a research project undertaken by WISERD, the Wales Co-operative Centre and the WCVA. The primary focus of the work is to develop sources of information and guidance to secure more meaningful engagement and involvement with social enterprise, co-operative, user-led and the third sector organisations in the implementation of Social Services and Wellbeing…

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National Survey for Wales, 2014-15: Material deprivation of households

The Welsh Government’s Child Poverty Strategy provides a framework for improving the outcomes of low income households in Wales. It aims to reduce poverty, especially persistent poverty amongst some of our poorest people and communities, and also to reduce the likelihood that people will become poor. In 2014-15, the National Survey included a series of…