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journal cover
Sexual identity and wellbeing: A distributional analysis

The relationship between sexual identity and wellbeing is analysed in an unconditional panel quantile setting. There is heterogeneity across sexual identity and gender for homosexuals and, for all but lesbians, sexual minorities are less satisfied than heterosexuals below the median of the wellbeing distribution. Meanwhile, bisexuals of any gender are the least satisfied of any…

Briefing front page
Evaluation, Impact and Outcomes in working with children and young people in regional and minority language revitalisation efforts

Despite the commonalities in their work and in the opportunities and challenges that they face, prior to this workshop, there has been little interaction between organisations working with children and young people in language promotion across the four cases: Wales, Scotland, the North of Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. As a result, the aims…

Journal Cover
A Comprehensive Model of Factors Associated With Capability to “Live Well” for Family Caregivers of People Living With Mild-to-Moderate Dementia

Introduction: Understanding key influences on outcomes for caregivers of people with dementia is hampered by inconsistent conceptualization and measurement of outcomes and limited evidence about the relative impact of different variables. We aimed to address these issues.   Methods: We analyzed data from 1283 caregivers of community-dwelling individuals with mild-to-moderate dementia in the Improving the…

How changes in the rural economy post-Brexit might impact upon healthcare/health inequalities in rural Wales

The Research Service has established a Brexit Academic Framework agreement. Under the Framework, experts provide research and advice services to the National Assembly for Wales Commission in relation to Brexit, to supplement the work of the Research Service. Professor Mike Woods and Dr Rachel Rahman at the Centre for Excellence in Rural Health Research, Aberystwyth…

Revista Portuguesa de Educação 31
Inequalities and (in)justices in education: A dialogue with Sally Power

Within the framework of the EDUPLACES Project1, the arrival in June 2018 of the eminent teacher and researcher in education Sally Power from Cardiff University was an important opportunity, not only to benefit collectively from her presence as project consultant, but also, in a closer interaction, clarify some of her perspectives on the critical analysis…

Report front cover
An Unfair Start: Inequality in Children’s Education in Rich Countries

In the world’s richest countries, some children do worse at school than others because of circumstances beyond their control, such as where they were born, the language they speak or their parents’ occupations. These children enter the education system at a disadvantage and can drop further behind if educational policies and practices reinforce, rather than…

image of the UNICEF Innocenti working paper
Measuring Inequality in Children’s Education in Rich Countries

There is growing recognition among international organizations, scholars and policymakers that education systems must produce equitable outcomes, but there is far less consensus on what this means in practice. This paper analyses differences in inequality of outcome and inequality of opportunity in educational achievement among primary and secondary schoolchildren across 38 countries of the European…

Journal cover
The capitalisation of school choice into property prices: a case study of grammar and all ability state schools in Buckinghamshire, UK

There has been a growing academic and policy debate in the UK on the relationship between school choice, educational performance and house prices. School choice and the chances of attending a good school are important as it relates strongly to educational attainment and qualifications, University entry and access to the labour market. This debate was…