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A Note on Shock Persistence in Total Factor Productivity Growth

We study implications of persistence of shocks in total factor productivity (TFP) growth under Bayesian framework for a set of African countries over the period 1970-2003. Contrary to convention, we find that stochastic unit root is present for most of the African countries and that there is time-varying dependence structure in the underlying processes. The…

Journal Cover
Reporting an Unsettled Countryside: The News Media and Rural Protests in Britain

Most analyses of the role of the media in shaping and reproducing popular discourses of rurality have focused on film, television drama and literature. Comparatively little attention has been directed towards the role of the news media in framing perceptions of contemporary rural issues through reportage and commentary. This paper examines the engagement of the…

ICT use and connectivity of minority communities in Wales cover
ICT use and connectivity of minority communities in Wales

The team has produced a literature review report to conceptually frame and analytically ground the project. This report presents the findings of a preliminary review of the literature in the areas of digital divides, community connectivity and minority communities. It also introduces literature regarding digital divides in the context of Wales in order to contextualise…

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Book Review: Singleton, A. D., Educational opportunity: the geography of access to higher education

If there was ever a book that could be described as `timely’ then Alex Singleton’s Educational Opportunity: The Geography of Access to Higher Education would be one of them. With UK higher education (HE) under the political and public spotlights due to spending cuts and the introduction of higher variable fees in HE institutions in…

Audio Walks: The purpose, practice and politics of production

Audio walks have increasingly been adopted by the tourist and leisure sector as a way of introducing people to material and audio landscapes. By providing people with tracks that correspond to places set out on a map, people are taken on a journey around and through different worlds, listening to accounts, histories, stories and tales…

Journal Cover
Accelerated restructuring in rural China fuelled by ‘increasing vs decreasing balance’ land use policy for dealing with hollowed villages

Rapid industrialization and urbanization in China has produced a unique phenomenon of ‘village-hollowing’, shaped by the dual-track structure of socio-economic development. This paper analyzes the phenomenon of ‘village-hollowing’, identifying the processes and influences that have driven their evolution, and highlighting the challenge that the locking-up of unused rural housing land in ‘hollowed villages’ presents for…

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School Curriculum as a Developmental Resource: Gender and Knowledge

This chapter can be located in the growing literature on relational approaches to human development. It argues that school curricula provide cultural resources that act as staging posts for children and young people en route to adulthood. Learning involves demonstrating legitimate practices that are congruent with the codes (Bernstein, 1996) of the subject discipline. Subject disciplines can…