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WISERD Education Multi-Cohort Study - 12th Annual Survey - report front cover
WISERD Education Multi-Cohort Study 12th Annual Survey Annual Report | 2023-24

The WISERD Multi-Cohort Study (WMCS) is an annual longitudinal study to chart the progress of children and young people growing up in Wales. Each year, we follow three cohorts from schools across Wales and ask questions about their experiences of school and their perspectives on national and international issues. Here, we provide a summary of…

Social Studies of Science, Volume 54, Number 3 front cover
Virtual diversity: Resolving the tension between the wider culture and the institution of science

There are widespread calls for increased demographic diversity in science, often linked to the epistemic claim that including more perspectives will improve the quality of the knowledge produced. By distinguishing between demographic and epistemic diversity, we show that this is only true some of the time. There are cases where increasing demographic diversity will not…

Front cover of Minerva, the journal for the review of science, learning and policy.
Mapping approaches to ‘citizen science’ and ‘community science’ and everything in-between: The evolution of new epistemic territory?

Over the last decade or so, the rate of growth of academic publications involving discussion of ‘citizen science’ and ‘community science’, and similar variants, has risen exponentially. These fluid terms, with no fixed definition, cover a continuum of public participation within a range of scientific activities. It is, therefore, apposite and timely to examine the…

The cover for the journal "Qualitative Research"
Face value: Recruitment lessons for research interviews

Advances in online data collection spurred on by a pandemic springboard have been well recognised, but less attention has been given to corresponding approaches in recruitment. This article addresses this gap by examining whether recruitment challenges can be overcome by utilising personalised recordings to recruit interviewees. Developed to engage elite interviewees in challenging circumstances, this…

WMCS at 10 booklet cover ENG
The WISERD Education Multi-Cohort Study: Key findings from 2012-2022

Foreword The WISERD Education Multi-Cohort Study (WMCS) recently celebrated its 10-year anniversary. The WMCS is a longitudinal study of children and young people in Wales. It was established in 2012 by Professor Sally Power and Professor Chris Taylor to chart the progress of children and young people growing up in Wales. Under their stewardship the…

Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology
Maternal Mental Health and Children’s Problem Behaviours: A Bi-directional Relationship?

Transactional theory and the coercive family process model have illustrated how the parent-child relationship is reciprocal. Emerging research using advanced statistical methods has examined these theories, but further investigations are necessary. In this study, we utilised linked health data on maternal mental health disorders and explored their relationship with child problem behaviours via the Strengths…

Front page of publication with image of woman working at home office
WISERD News: Issue 20

Welcome from the WISERD director Featuring a variety of news from across the WISERD partner institutions and some of the latest additions to the WISERD blog, I hope this edition of WISERD News demonstrates our ongoing contribution to social science research and the ways in which we are influencing policy in Wales. Against a background…

Unlocking the Power of Digital Commons: Data Cooperatives as a Pathway for Data Sovereign, Innovative and Equitable Digital Communities
Unlocking the Power of Digital Commons: Data Cooperatives as a Pathway for Data Sovereign, Innovative and Equitable Digital Communities

Network effects, economies of scale, and lock-in-effects increasingly lead to a concentration of digital resources and capabilities, hindering the free and equitable development of digital entrepreneurship, new skills, and jobs, especially in small communities and their small and medium-sized enterprises (“SMEs”). To ensure the affordability and accessibility of technologies, promote digital entrepreneurship and community well-being,…