
Professor Michèle Lamont Evening Talk – Visit to Cardiff University

WISERD is pleased to announce that Cultural Sociologist Professor Michèle Lamont of Harvard University will be visiting Cardiff’s School of Social Sciences on the 24-25th March 2025, as part of her Leverhulme Visiting Professorship. Professor Lamont is internationally recognised and acclaimed for her work on morality, group boundaries, and inequality. She has tackled topics such as dignity,…

Professor Michèle Lamont Workshop – Visit to Cardiff University

WISERD is pleased to announce that Cultural Sociologist Professor Michèle Lamont of Harvard University will be visiting Cardiff’s School of Social Sciences on the 24-25th March 2025, as part of her Leverhulme Visiting Professorship. Professor Lamont is internationally recognised and acclaimed for her work on morality, group boundaries, and inequality. She has tackled topics such as dignity,…

Professor Michèle Lamont – “Recognition through Politics: The Non-College Educated Workers (Aged 18-30) in Manchester, New Hampshire and Greater Manchester, United Kingdom” – Visit to Bangor University

Michèle Lamont (Harvard University), Andrew Miles (University of Manchester), and Hilary Pilkington, (University of Manchester) We present preliminary results from a study of whether and how low status white-collar and blue-collar young adult workers (18-30 years old) living in Greater Manchester, New Hampshire and in Oldham, UK, seek recognition through politics. Forty-five US participants were…

Work and Well-being: Findings from the Skills and Employment Survey 2024

The Skills and Employment Survey 2024 (SES2024) launch event on Wednesday 2 April 2025. This national study of around 5,500 adults in paid employment focuses on the work that people do and how working life has changed over time in the UK. It builds on similar surveys stretching as far back as 1986. The 2024…