New paper highlights the need to consider transport options

Bus driving through a town

A recent paper by Professor Gary Higgs, Dr Andrew Price and Dr Mitchel Langford of WISERD and the GIS Research Centre published in the Journal of Rural Studies has highlighted the need to consider the transport options available to access services for those dependent on public transport.

By drawing on a spatial analysis of the closure of bank branches during the early part of COVID, the aim has been to identify communities in Wales that had lost services and that had also experienced changes in public transport provision during this time. Such issues need to be considered when planning services or monitoring the impact of closures for those who may be partly or wholly dependent on public transport. Public and active travel opportunities have a really important role to play in enabling daily access to services such as GP surgeries, food shops and post offices.

The paper points the way to a more inclusive approach to locate services and facilities that adopts appropriate levels of transport provision to address concerns regarding access to essential services for those without private means of transport.

The paper can be accessed at:
