News and Blog

Young people and Brexit: will Brexit spark young people’s interest in devolved Welsh politics?

Brexit in Scotland and Wales A majority 64% of young people voted in the UK referendum on EU membership last June, but 70% of them were disappointed. Media coverage brought this disappointment home with wide coverage of the generational divide, depicting a young generation forced to live with the consequences of a decision made by…

Baroness Eluned Morgan AM delivers keynote speech on Brexit

Baroness Eluned Morgan AM delivered a keynote speech on Brexit at Aberystwyth University last night. Joined by members of the public, the Labour Assembly Member for Mid and West Wales discussed one of the defining political issues of our time, surveyed the political landscape after last year’s referendum vote, and asked whether anything positive can…

Brexit and Wales – The Key Questions

Over eighty people packed the Morlan Centre in Aberystwyth on Wednesday 25th January for the launch of the WISERD Centre for Welsh Politics and Society, with a lively discussion on ‘Brexit and Wales – the Key Questions’.   Following a week in which the Prime Minister Theresa May had set out her plans for negotiations…

IMAJINE project launches in Brussels

The IMAJINE project (Integrative Mechanisms for Addressing Spatial Justice and Territorial Inequalities in Europe) led by the Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research, Data and Methods (WISERD) team at Aberystwyth University was launched in Brussels on Wednesday 18th January 2017, with a meeting of the consortium partners. IMAJINE is a pioneering new research project…

Chinese visiting international fellows at WISERD

WISERD has hosted five visiting international research fellows led by Professor Lin Xiao from the Institute of Sociology at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Beijing. The visit is part of a two year joint Chinese Academy of Social Sciences/British Academy Newton Advanced Fellowships programme, entitled: ‘Improving Social Welfare System in China: Urbanization, Community…

WISERD presents research findings at event celebrating 30 years of French regions

A major conference on The French Regions at 30: evaluations and prospects (Les Régions ont 30 ans. Et Demain?) recently took place at the Champs Libres Convention  Centre, in Rennes, France. It was organised by the WISERD team working on the Trust and Transparency in multi-level governance project, Prof. Romain Pasquier (Institute of Political Studies, Rennes,…

‘Would a cut in the number of low-skilled EU migrants hurt the UK economy?’ – Share Radio

Professor Stephen Drinkwater was broadcast as part of a feature on Share Radio about whether a cut in the number of low-skilled EU migrants would hurt the UK economy. A recording of the broadcast is provided below.