News and Blog

WISERD Education Data Lab launches blog series

The newly established WISERD Education Data Lab has launched a series of blog posts to share its latest analysis with a wider audience. The lab aims to generate high quality research-based evidence using education administrative data to support the Wales education sector. In order to undertake this work, the WISERD Education Data Lab is using administrative data…

WISERD Insight 2020 annual report now available

      This report provides an overview of our research activity in 2019 – a year that has marked the end of one chapter and the beginning of another, and has strengthened WISERD’s position as an important national research centre. Read more about our latest income profile, the work we’re doing to strengthen our…

Celebrating Civil Society Research: A New Chapter

This week we launched our five-year plan for civil society research at a stakeholder event at the Senedd. Our new research will explore social and economic inequality, migration and multiculturalism, the foundational economy, the changing dynamics of work, and animal rights and A.I. Celebrating Civil Society Research – A New Chapter was attended by over 70…

WISERD to receive major funding from ESRC for continuation of civil society research

WISERD is one of four social science research centres in the UK to be successful in the highly competitive Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Centres Competition. WISERD will receive £6.3 million as reinvestment into the continuation of its civil society research – the third major funding to be awarded in WISERD’s ten-year history. The…

WISERD hosts 10th Annual Conference

On the 3rd and 4th July, WISERD held its 10th Annual Conference in the Medrus Conference Centre at Aberystwyth University. This year’s theme was Civil Society and Participation, and as Wales’ largest social science conference, the event attracted over 100 delegates from across academic, policy, public, private, and third sectors. The conference began with two…

WISERD Annual Conference 2019 to take place 3rd-4th July

In two weeks’ time, WISERD will be holding its Annual Conference in the Medrus Conference Centre at Aberystwyth University. This year’s theme is Civil Society and Participation. Delegates will have the opportunity to discuss cutting-edge, inter-disciplinary research from Wales and beyond, focusing on approaches to civil society and participation that have been adopted in a…

WISERD at Co-Production Network for Wales Conference

The WISERD exhibition stand attracted much interest at the Co-production Network for Wales annual conference in Wrexham today. All in this Together: A Celebration of Co-production and Involvement in Wales provided key networking opportunities to connect our work with third and public sector organisations. The aim of the day was to explore co-production of policy…

WISERD hosts Social Anthropologies of the Welsh: Past and Present

WISERD hosted an evening lecture and one-day symposium at Cardiff University this week. The event was organised jointly with the Royal Anthropological Institute, the Learned Society of Wales, and the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion. Social Anthropologies of the Welsh: Past and Present examined the development of social anthropology in Wales from the perspectives of both…