News and Blog

Dr Sioned Pearce awarded ESRC New Investigator funding

Dr Pearce’s successful research grant will fund the WISERD-based research project ‘Youth unemployment and civil society under devolution: a comparative analysis of sub-state welfare regimes’.  The £211,000 grant from the Economic and Social Research Council will fund a two-year project examining divergences in civil society responses to youth unemployment (policy) in the four, devolved nations…

WISERD collaborates with Welsh Government to revolutionise the homelessness data infrastructure in Wales

Dr Ian Thomas, an Administrative Data Research Centre Wales Research Officer based at WISERD, will work with Welsh Government on a part-time basis for a year, introducing new expertise and capacity, with the primary focus of exploring the feasibility of introducing an individual level data collection, reporting and analysis in relation to homelessness in Wales….

WISERD conference in Lyon marks next step in European collaboration

Today’s conference ‘Trust-Transparency Paradoxes’ marks the beginning of a formal collaborative agreement between WISERD and TRIANGLE in Lyon, France. The memorandum of Understanding, signed on the eve of the conference, will support the development of exciting joint research projects, future academic exchanges and collaborative publications. TRIANGLE and WISERD are both cross-institutional, multi-disciplinary centres of research…

McDonald’s workers strike for the second time on International Workers’ Day

Following last week’s WISERD blog post about the 2017 McDonald’s strike, Wil Chivers and Helen Blakely report from the picket lines in London at the UK’s second McStrike. Until now our research on the McStrike has been at a distance. We’ve followed the Twitter conversation and although we’ve got a good sense of what’s been…

How the UK’s first #McStrike was tweeted

In September 2017, McDonald’s workers went on strike for the first time in the UK. Researchers at WISERD analysed the social media conversation that surrounded the ‘McStrike’at the time. With a second McStrike scheduled for the 1st May Wil Chivers, Helen Blakely and Steve Davies outline key findings from this research. Young workers unite McDonald’s…

Student talent network to be expanded after WISERD review

The Welsh Government have announced plans to expand their pilot network for high achieving school pupils. WISERD and ADRC-Wales researchers Rhys Davies and Dr Suhaer Yunus contributed to the OB3 Research evaluation of the Seren Network, which helps Wales’ brightest sixth formers gain access to top universities across the world. .@wgcs_education has announced the @Seren_Network…

Does social enterprise mean business?

The financial crisis has been identified as the catalyst for the tremendous growth seen in social enterprise – organisations that have social purpose but rely on the functioning of the market to maintain long term viability. Social enterprises are thought to have grown from an estimated 5,000 in the late 1990s to an estimated 70,000…

Charities are playing a growing role in schools – but is that a good thing?

WISERD Education Director, Professor Sally Power, explores the situation in this blog post. While there have been growing concerns about the permeation of business in education, relatively little attention has been paid to how schools are increasingly engaged in the “business” of fundraising for charities. At WISERD Education, we have been examining the increasingly close…