This is a project that is being undertaken by colleagues in Cardiff Business School and WISERD in collaboration with the Clean Clothes Campaign (CCC). It builtĀ on an earlier ESRC IAA Award which was completed in March 2019. The focus of our work is to improve and develop the database used by CCC to record and monitor its Urgent Appeals mechanism.

Established in 1989, CCC is an international NGO which works in close cooperation with a range of civil society partners as a global alliance dedicated to improving working conditions and empowering workers in the global garment and sportswear industries. Its Urgent Appeals system is an independent mechanism through which human rights defenders (HRDs) at the grass roots can appeal for assistance when in need of international lobbying and advocacy in support of their actions, or as a source of urgent remedy at the local level.

Urgent Appeals: Data and Shared Learning ESRC GCRF Project
