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A cover of Private Tutoring China by W. John Morgan
Private Tutoring Before and After the ‘‘Double-Reduction’’ Policy in China: Choices and Rationale

Despite private tutoring gaining increasing popularity in many countries, studies of the choice of and rationale for private tutoring among Chinese parents before and after the ‘‘double reduction’’ policy (issued on July 24, 2021) in China are limited. This mixed-methods paper compares parents’ choice of private tutoring before and after the policy and the role…

Cover of a comparison of job quality for teachers in private and state schools in the post-pandemic world
A comparison of job quality for teachers in private and state schools in the post-pandemic world

This report presents findings from new research comparing the job quality, other than pay, of private and state school teachers in post-pandemic England and Wales, including those based at elite private schools, based on a survey of private and state school teachers who are members of the National Education Union. Information was obtained from 14,212…

A cover of The varied landscape of alternative education provision in the UK
The varied landscape of alternative education provision in the UK: a home international comparison

This report provides an analysis of the key differences and similarities in the landscape of alternative education provision (AEP) in the UK. As part of the ESRC-funded Excluded Lives Project, it attempts to illuminate some of the contextual factors that may contribute to the very different rates of school exclusion in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland…

WMCS at 10 booklet cover ENG
The WISERD Education Multi-Cohort Study: Key findings from 2012-2022

Foreword The WISERD Education Multi-Cohort Study (WMCS) recently celebrated its 10-year anniversary. The WMCS is a longitudinal study of children and young people in Wales. It was established in 2012 by Professor Sally Power and Professor Chris Taylor to chart the progress of children and young people growing up in Wales. Under their stewardship the…

The front page of the conference paper: Exploring sources of consensus and disaffection in alternative provision provided by the construction industry in the UK by Jemma Bridgeman and Martin Loosemore
Exploring sources of consensus and disaffection in alternative provision provided by the construction industry in the UK

Alternative provision (AP) is where young people at risk of exclusion because of their behaviour are removed from mainstream education into alternative forms of education. This research explores construction AP delivered by five organisations, using the work of Basil Bernstein as the theoretical approach on the sources of consensus and disaffection in education. Disaffection arises…

Chinese Culture and Adult Learning: Between Tradition and Experiment
Chinese Culture and Adult Learning: Between Tradition and Experiment

Learning has occupied a prominent place in Chinese culture since ancient times with the philosophy and practice of K’ung Ch’iu, (c551-c479, BCE), known to the Occident as Confucius, a pervasive influence (Liu Wu-Chi 1955). The promotion of learning was the duty of Imperial officials, and this also achieved high levels of civic participation by local…