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Touraine, Alain (1925-)

Alain Touraine’s distinctive contributions to sociology include his sociological theory of action, the method of ‘sociological intervention’ in the study of social movements, and his critique of modernity which offers a ‘post-social’ approach to contemporary societies. This article explains the key stages of Touraine’s work in the context of post-war social theory in France. It…

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‘When All Hell Breaks Loose’: Striking on the British Coalfields 1984-85

Strikes are complicated phenomena, and the miners’ strike that began in 1984 is no exception. Its complexity defies simple generalisations. It has changed the lives of many people and its consequences are still being experienced after 30 years. It is, however, possible to evaluate. In doing so it is useful to remember the words of…

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Stretching the Sociological Imagination: Essays in Honour of John Eldridge

Stretching the Sociological Imagination calls for renewed attention to the concept of the sociological imagination, allowing social scientists to link private issues to public troubles. Inspired by the eminent Glasgow-based sociologist and co-founder of the Glasgow Media Group, John Eldridge, it re-engages with the concept and shows how it can be applied to analyzing society…

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Using Mixed-Methods Analysis of Election Manifestos to Explore the Party Politicisation of Policy Issues: Older People’s Policy in UK Elections 1945-2011

This case study reports on research into the way that political parties are responding to the challenges of an ageing society. In methodological terms, it examined (1) the level of attention (or ‘issue salience’) given to public policy for older people (60+ years) in manifestos for Westminster and ‘devolved’ elections in the United Kingdom, 1945–2011,…

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Economic Entanglements and the Re-shaping of Place in the Global Countryside

This chapter reveals theories which are in favour of successful innovation activity occurring independently from the prerequisite of density and immediate proximity. Furthermore, the following literature study discusses the extent to which relatively agglomeration-based theoretical components might be reasonably transferable to rural areas. The chapter aims to find and assess empirical evidence with which to…

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Private Higher Education in China: Problems and Possibilities

Introduction The Chinese higher education system has been undergoing a rapid and farreaching transition (Min, 2005) with the changes driven particularly by accelerating globalization (UNESCO, 2003). One of the most fundamental changes is that private higher education, which began from zero, has very quickly assumed an increasingly important role in the expansion of higher education….

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Higher Education Reform in China: Beyond the Expansion

This book provides a critical examination the challenges to the development and sustainability of higher education in China: Can its universities move from quantity to quality? How will so many graduates find jobs in line with their expectations? Can Britain and other western countries continue to benefit from China’s education boom? What are the prospects…