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Labour market and Investment Effects of Remittances

The economic analysis of the effects of remittances has become an increasingly important issue in recent years because of the rapid growth of this form of financial flow. Official estimates put global remittances at around $80bn in 2002, but the total amount, which includes flows through unofficial channels, is thought to be far greater than…

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Age-structured Human Capital Dynamics and Economic Growth: A Note on Interdependence, Coordination and Welfare

In this chapter, we critically review the role of age-structured human capital in economic growth in the space-time domain and suggest (i) a theoretical framework for modeling growth interdependence across countries due to cross-country human capital accumulation and (ii) construct an empirical test for dynamic spatial growth correlations. Although (aggregate) human capital has been widely…

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The Political Economies of Place in the Emergent Global Countryside: Stories from Rural Wales

This chapter argues that space remains important in understanding the uneven development of rural regions, but that relations between space and place are being reconfigured in an emergent global countryside. After establishing the theoretical context for this argument, it illustrates and examines the issues raised through a case study of rural Wales, in the west…

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Revisiting the concept of the public intellectual

Both Hayek and Lazarsfeld were path-breaking scholars who contributed greatly to the development of their respective disciplines, yet the disciplinary sub-fields they founded faced contrasting receptions at their point of origin in Austria. Our argument here has been that new ideas need structural, political and individual support to gain ground and leave a mark.