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Age and Work-Related Health: Insights from the UK Labour Force Survey

Data from the UK Labour Force Survey (LFS) are used to examine two methodological issues in the analysis of the relationship between age and work-related health. First, the LFS is unusual in that it asks work-related health questions to those who are not currently employed. This facilitates a more representative analysis than that which is…

British Journal of Sociology 64(4)
Self, Career and Nationhood: The Contrasting Aspirations of British and French Elite Graduates

There is increasing interest in the emergence of a ‘global middle class’ in which high achieving young graduates increasingly look to develop careers that transcend national boundaries. This paper explores this issue through comparing and contrasting the aspirations and orientations of two ‘elite’ cohorts of graduates. Interviews with students at the University of Oxford, England,…

Journal Cover
Make do and mend after redundancy at Anglesey Aluminium: critiquing human capital approaches to unemployment

This article tracks workers responses to redundancy and impact on the local labour market and regional unemployment policy after the closure of a large employer, Anglesey Aluminium (AA), on Anglesey in North Wales. It questions human capital theory (HCT) and its influence on sustaining neo-liberal policy orthodoxy focused on supplying skilled and employable workers in…

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Disability and Perceptions of Work and Management

Matched employee–employer data from the 2004 Workplace Employment Relations Survey are used to examine differences in work-related perceptions between disabled and non-disabled employees. Even after accounting for differences in personal, job and workplace characteristics, disabled employees are found to hold more negative views on the treatment of workers by managers and, consistent with this, they…

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The Role of Networks and Connections in Educational Elites? Labour Market Entrance

Despite extensive research on the role of ‘personal’ capital on labour market transitions, little is known about how those with elite credentials use networks and connection to improve their labour market chances. This becomes especially relevant within debates on the meritocratic nature of the post-industrial labour market. This article investigates how networks and connections aid…

Report Cover
The 2012 ESF Leavers Survey

The aim of the 2012 ESF Leavers Survey is to assist in assessing the effectiveness of labour market interventions delivered under ESF. Telephone interviews were conducted with over 4,000 people who had left an ESF project delivered under Priorities 2 and 3 of the Convergence Programme and Priorities 1 and 2 of the Competitiveness Programme…

Report Cover
Skills and the Quality of Work in Wales, 2006-2012 – Main Report

This Report is based on survey data collected from two samples of workers: 7,213 workers aged 20-65 years old and living in Britain in 2006 and 3,200 similarly aged workers in 2012. Both surveys were boosted in Wales yielding a total sample of almost1,000 workers in Wales – 407 respondents in 2006 and 587 in…

Journal Cover
Job Mismatches and Labour Market Outcomes: Panel Evidence on University Graduates

The interpretation of graduate mismatch manifested either as over‐education or as over‐skilling remains problematical. This article analyses the relationship of educational and skills mismatch with pay, job satisfaction and job mobility using unique data from the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) survey. Over‐education and over‐skilling are found to be distinct phenomena and…

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The Changing Shape of the UK Jobs Market and the Implications for the Bottom Half of Earners

This paper reports on two research projects, one of them completed some time ago, theother ongoing. The first project was funded by the New York based Russell SageFoundation and involved a comparative study of low pay in the five European countries – theUK, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Denmark. This was subsequently extended in acomparative…