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Report cover
Evaluating the Foundation Phase: The outcomes of Foundation Phase pupils up to 2011/12 (Report 2)

The Foundation Phase is a Welsh Government flagship policy of early years education (for 3 to 7-year-old children) in Wales. Marking a radical departure from the more formal, competency-based approach associated with the previous Key Stage 1 National Curriculum, it advocates a developmental, experiential, play-based approach to teaching and learning. The Learning Country: a Paving…

Successful Futures Independent Review of Curriculum and Assessment Arrangements in Wales, welsh cover
Successful Futures Independent Review of Curriculum and Assessment Arrangements in Wales (The Donaldson Review)

Since devolution, the Welsh Government has implemented a range of progressive curriculum reforms that have sought to foster enthusiasm for learning, to develop key academic skills and competencies and to promote a strong sense of citizenship. The Welsh Government has now committed itself to a fundamental and independent review of the national curriculum and assessment…

Publication front page
The Value of Higher Education – Public or Private Good?

The rising cost of higher education to individuals and reduced graduate job prospects in many countries have renewed debate about the value of higher education. These have, however, focused on the private gain or rate of return of higher education to individuals, rather than on its broader public benefits. Even defenders of the intellectual, cultural…

report front cover
Widening Access to higher education in Wales: Analysis using linked administrative data

This paper aims to replicate analysis conducted by Chowdry et al. (2013) which considers the determinants of participation in higher education (HE) in England. Using linked individual level data, for both participants and non-participants in HE, Chowdry et al. track 2 cohorts of young people from age 11 through to age 20. They demonstrate that…

Front page of report
Evaluating the Foundation Phase: key findings on children and families

The Foundation Phase (introduced in 2008) provides a developmentally appropriate experiential curriculum for children aged 3-7 in Wales. The Welsh Government commissioned independent evaluation (led by WISERD) aims to evaluate how well it is being implemented, what impact it has had, and ways in which it can be improved. The three-year evaluation utilises a range…

Report front page
Evaluating the Foundation Phase: key findings on staffing

The Foundation Phase (introduced in 2008) provides a developmentally appropriate experiential curriculum for children aged 3-7 in Wales. The Welsh Government commissioned independent evaluation (led by WISERD) aims to evaluate how well it is being implemented, what impact it has had, and ways in which it can be improved. The three-year evaluation utilises a range…

Journal cover
Institutional ableism, critical actors and the substantive representation of disabled people: Evidence from the UK Parliament 1940-2012

This study is concerned with the substantive representation of disabled people (SRDP) in legislative settings; in other words, addressing disabled people’s needs and concerns in policy and lawmaking. Mixed methods analysis of post-1940 Acts of the UK Parliament, backbench MPs’ use of early day motions (EDMs) and written parliamentary questions (WPQs) reveals long-standing institutional ableism….