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People, Place and Policy Online 5(3)
Stay, Leave or Return? Patterns of Graduate Welsh Mobility

This paper presents the initial findings of a study into Welsh graduate mobility within the UK, which has a highly uneven geography of graduate labour. After surveying recent debates, the paper explores the extent to which Wales retains its graduate labour by examining the scale of graduate mobility and its nature in terms of qualifications….

Stay, Leave or Return? Understanding Welsh Graduate Mobility

This research report explores Welsh graduate mobility. It seeks to establish the extent towhich Wales retains its graduate labour in employment; to estimate the labour marketoutcomes for ‘Welsh’ graduates (i.e. those born in Wales) and to investigate whether andhow these may change and what factors may become more significant over time. In sodoing, the report…

Report Cover
The 2010 European Social Fund Leavers Survey

The aim of the 2010 ESF Leavers Survey is to assist in assessing the effectiveness of labour market interventions delivered under ESF. Telephone interviews were conducted with 7,500 people who had left an ESF project delivered under Priorities 2 and 3 of the Convergence Programme and Priorities 1 and 2 of the Competitiveness Programme during…

Informal care and labour market outcomes within England and Wales

This paper focuses on the links between informal care provision and labour market activity at the sub-national level within the UK. Within-country analysis of this issue has been very limited to date despite the wide regional variations in informal care provision that are often present. This issue is important in the context of policy decisions…

Report Cover
Informal Caring and Labour Market Outcomes Within England and Wales

This paper focuses on the links between informal care provision and labour market activity at the sub-national level within the UK. Within-country analysis of this issue has been very limited to date despite the wide regional variations in informal care provision that are often present. This issue is important in the context of policy decisions…

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The Importance of Place: restructuring as local-central negotiation

This chapter explores the question of how different places react to economic shocks. Increasingly, economic geographers, planners and sociologists have emphasised the importance of ‘place’ in understanding and recommending responses to short-term economic shocks and long-term socio-economic transformation. Consequently, there is a growing consensus within the local and regional economic development literature that ‘one size…

Using Survey Data to Identify Migration Patterns

This briefing focuses on the difficulty in obtaining the information needed to identify patterns of (temporary) migration, which appear to have become more diverse in recent years, facilitated by developments in transportation and increased globalisation. It is mainly concerned with examining how survey data may be used to shed further light on the issue. It…