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Knowing Localities

The WISERD locality research programme comprised a series of locality studies, carried out by six full-time researchers, based in Aberystwyth, Bangor, and Cardiff Universities. These studies were complemented by a suite of qualitative micro-locality and place-based studies Local knowledge in Context’, completed by researchers at Cardiff University. This podcast gives an overview of the research…

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Self-employment amongst migrant groups: new evidence from England and Wales

Self-employment constitutes a vital part of the economy since entrepreneurs can provide employment not only for themselves but also for others. The link between self-employment and immigration is, however, complex, especially given the changing nature of self-employment. We investigate the evolving relationship between self-employment and immigration using recently released microdata from the 2011 Census for…

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Key Concepts in Rural Geography

Key Concepts in Rural Geography is a new kind of textbook that forms part of an innovative set of companion texts for the Human Geography sub-disciplines. Organized around 20 short essays, Key Concepts in Rural Geography provides a cutting edge introduction to the central concepts that define contemporary research in rural geography. Involving detailed and…

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In debt to the time-bank: the manipulation of working time in Indian garment factories and ‘working dead horse’

In this article we focus on the creation of debt relations between workers and their workplace as a tool of managerial control in the garment factories of Bangalore, India. The currency of indebtedness in this case is working time and our focus is the manipulation of hours of work at the base of the international,…

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International Migration, Agency, and Regional Development in Rural Europe

International migration to rural areas has become an increasingly important process in Europe, with the potential to act as a key driver of change in the localities concerned. Research has started to document patterns of international migration and the experiences of migrants, but this emergent body of literature is partial and fragmented between regional-scale studies…

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Using routine activity theory to inform a conceptual understanding of the geography of fire events

The cost of fire events can be devastating in human, emotional and financial terms. There is a growing realisation that geographical techniques can be used in cross-disciplinary approaches to gain an understanding of potential causation factors associated with such events. Despite this, the theoretical frameworks within which such research efforts are often couched have received…

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The heartlands of neoliberalism and the rise of the austerity state

This chapter explores the genealogy and development of neoliberalism in its heartlands. What happens here is closely entangled with events, processes and forces elsewhere in the world market, the world of states and global society. It first considers the meaning of heartlands and note some paradoxes in its use in geopolitics, geoeconomics and critical studies…