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Conceptualising the sociology of education: an analysis of contested intellectual trajectories

This paper presents an account of the development of the sociology of education in the UK, by means of an analysis of papers published in the field’s flagship journal, the British Journal of Sociology of Education and its US equivalent, Sociology of Education. In particular, we examine the representation of two contrasting traditions in addressing…

Rural-Urban Linkages

This chapter considers the significance of rural–urban linkages in current and future food systems. Food is at the core of the rural–urban relation: an increasingly urbanized global population is dependent on rural areas for its food supply, whilst rural societies and environments have in turn been transformed by their integration into a global food system…

Journal of Civil Society 16(3) cover
Civil Society and the Contemporary Threat to Religious Freedom in Bangladesh

Against the international backdrop of rising religious tensions, this article explores contemporary civil society views on religious freedom in Bangladesh. It uses critical frame analysis of the corpus of civil society organizations’ (CSOs) submissions to the United Nations’ third cycle Universal Periodic Review (UPR), 2013–18. It provides a timely assessment of Bangladesh’s fulfilment of international obligations on religious freedom, and shows how the politicization of religion and the resultant conflict between ‘secularism’ and ‘extremism’…

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Moments of alignment between devolved political ideology and policy design: the case of Wales

The devolution of power and responsibility from central to sub national levels of governance over the past half century marks a paradigm shift in forces shaping social policy across much of Western Europe. Scholarship in this field is often concerned with a binary analysis of before and after the advent of devolution, with insufficient attention…

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Hannah Arendt: On Public Education and Public Dialogue

This article, that draws upon a recent book (Guilherme/Morgan 2018), considers dialogue and its use in education taking the political philosopher Hannah Arendt as an example. It is argued as worthwhile for two reasons: First, dialogue is understood usually as a conversation, as an exchange between two or more individuals or sets of individuals. Secondly,…

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Chinese Concepts of Learning – A Break from Tradition?

The characteristics of the Chinese learner together with opportunities for educational exchange continue to be of academic and policy interest. Chinese society is now more urban and outward looking than in the past, yet it retains the core of its cultural heritage and is indeed trying to renew it. This article focuses on the effects…

Children’s views on their lives and well-being in 35 countries: A report on the Children’s Worlds project 2016-19

Few people would disagree with the notion of promoting child well-being. And yet there are many different ideas about what exactly this means. Some view childhood as a developmental phase in preparation for adulthood; this view focuses on future well-being, sometimes referred to as well-becoming. The Children’s Worlds project takes a different outlook. It focuses…

The Design and Development of a client-server based tool to Compute Accessibility to Sporting Facilities in Wales

Presented by the authors at GIS Research UK Conference 2020 This paper draws on a new database of gymnastics facilities, the use of Two-Step Floating Catchment Area (E2SFCA) techniques, to measure potential accessibility for both private and public transport networks using a web-based tool to collect the network distances for the transport. Plans to incorporate…

Conflicting Narratives of Crime and Punishment cover
Public Narratives of Crime and Criminal Justice: Connecting ‘small’ and ‘big’ stories to make public narratives visible

Conflicting Narratives of Crime and Punishment: Chapter 4, Springer Nature This chapter explores the concept of public narratives of crime and criminal justice and its importance in influencing criminal justice and penal policy as well as expressions of public opinion. In order to understand the power of public narratives of crime and criminal justice, it…