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Your search returned 460 results
Evidence to the Review of Higher Education Funding and Student Finance Arrangements in Wales

What follows is based upon analysis carried out by researchers at the Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research, Data and Methods (WISERD) over the past few years. This work is continuing and, accordingly, the results reported here should be seen as ‘interim’. However, further results can be made available to the Review; and we…

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Popularism and Punishment or Rights and Rehabilitation? Electoral Discourse and Structural Policy Narratives on Youth Justice: Westminster Elections, 1964-2010

This study explores the formative origins of youth justice policy and the discursive process of mandate-seeking in party manifestos in Westminster elections. Analysis of issue salience and policy framing reveals: party politicization, a significant increase in issue salience from the 1990s onwards, and a shifting structural policy narrative with inherent contestation and contradictions. The past…

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Multi-level systems and the electoral politics of welfare pluralism: Exploring third-sector policy in UK Westminster and regional elections 1945-2011

Electoral politics is a decisive formative and programmatic phase in the development of mixed economy approaches to social protection. This study examines the main issues and policy formulation concerning the role of the third sector in social protection in the manifestos of British political parties in the context of the Westminster elections and at regional…

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Governing beyond the metropolis: Placing the rural in city-region development

Despite a select group of urban centres generating a disproportionate amount of global economic output, significant attention is being devoted to the impact of urban-economic processes on interstitial spaces lying between metropolitan areas. Nevertheless, there remains a noticeable silence in city-region debate concerning how rural spaces are conceptualised, governed and represented. In this paper we…

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Instrumental Europeans? Minority nationalist parties’ discourse on the European Union: the case of UK meso-elections 1998-2011

Traditionally, minority nationalist parties (MNPs) have employed the notion of Europe in order to advance an alternative to centralized administration within the unitary state. This study examines whether earlier claims of MNPs’ repositioning on the European Union (EU) are supported by a discourse analysis of manifestos in UK meso-elections. The findings confirm a significant shift…

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The Housing Pathways of Young People in the UK

The authors examine the housing pathways of young people in the UK in the years 1999 to 2008, and consider the changing nature of these pathways in the run up to 2020. They employ a highly innovative methodology, which begins with the identification and description of key drivers likely to affect young people’s housing circumstances…

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Using Mixed-Methods Analysis of Election Manifestos to Explore the Party Politicisation of Policy Issues: Older People’s Policy in UK Elections 1945-2011

This case study reports on research into the way that political parties are responding to the challenges of an ageing society. In methodological terms, it examined (1) the level of attention (or ‘issue salience’) given to public policy for older people (60+ years) in manifestos for Westminster and ‘devolved’ elections in the United Kingdom, 1945–2011,…

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Economic Entanglements and the Re-shaping of Place in the Global Countryside

This chapter reveals theories which are in favour of successful innovation activity occurring independently from the prerequisite of density and immediate proximity. Furthermore, the following literature study discusses the extent to which relatively agglomeration-based theoretical components might be reasonably transferable to rural areas. The chapter aims to find and assess empirical evidence with which to…