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Journal cover
The ‘Complementarity Conjecture’ – Does Civil Society Engagement Strengthen Input Legitimacy and Shape Policy Delivery? The Case of Gender Mainstreaming in India and Nepal 2005-15

This study presents critical discourse analysis of gender mainstreaming in India and Nepal. Mainstreaming is a United Nations policy objective subscribed to by 180+ states. It aims to embed gender equality concerns in every stage of the policy process. Complementarity theory emphasizes how politicians attempt to cope with complexity by engaging civil society in policy…

Education Citizenship and Social Justice
Learning Welshness: does the Curriculum Cymreig positively affect pupils’ orientations to Wales and Welshness?

This article explores the possible affect schooling has on pupils’ orientations to cultural and national identity in Wales. The Curriculum Cymreig is a distinctive feature of the national curriculum of Wales that has important ramifications regarding the enactment of citizenship education in Welsh schools. Under this initiative, schools in Wales are required to incorporate Welsh…

journal articles
The central bank of symbolic capital

On the State comprises edited versions of three lecture courses that Pierre Bourdieu delivered between 1989 and 1992 at the Collège de France during his tenure of a research chair in sociology at that institution (1982-2001).* Beginning with the well-worn theme of the difficulties of thinking and studying the state, then illustrating the importance of…

Journal cover
Giving, Saving, Spending: What Would Children Do with £1 Million?

This article explores children’s responses to a single question: ‘If someone gave you £1 million today, what would you do with it?’ Although such an exploration might seem trivial, we argue that their responses provide important insights into children’s values and priorities. One-third intend to spend it all, one quarter to save it. But the…

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Peace Profile: Waldo Williams

This is not the place for a full account of the peace movement in modern Wales, but a brief description is necessary if readers from outside the country are to understand the social, cultural, and political context of Waldo Williams’ life and work, as a Christian, as a poet, and as a pacifist. Although supported…

Journal Cover
Institutions of care, moral proximity and demoralisation: The case of the emergency department

This article draws on concepts of morality and demoralisation to understand the problematic nature of relationships between staff and patients in public health services. The article uses data from a case study of a UK hospital Emergency Department to show how staff are tasked with the responsibility of treating and caring for patients, while at…

Article front page
The Importance of Higher Education for International Development – A Post-2015 Development Priority

Higher education is recognized as vital to any balanced development strategy. However, for several decades higher education was an afterthought in development policy, it being seen as a poor use of scarce resources. Two trends have changed this – recognition of the public goods character of higher education and the importance of knowledge economies, and…

Journal cover
The declining volume of workers’ training in Britain

The conventional focus on the training participation rate, rather than training volume, in official statistics and research has obscured a radical transformation in workers’ training in Britain. To obtain a picture of the trend in training volume, we synthesize a narrative through a new analysis of multiple surveys. The duration of training fell sharply with…

Journal cover
Accessibility to sport facilities in Wales: A GIS-based analysis of socio-economic variations in provision

Previous studies concerned with investigating the relationship between levels of physical activity and aspects of the built environment have often led to inconsistent and mixed findings concerning associations between the availability of recreational or sport facilities and area socio-economic status. Further complications may arise when analysis is conducted separately for access to either publicly available…