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Your search returned 623 results
Geography Compass 6(1)
The Common-Place Geopolitics of Conspiracy

Conspiracy narratives and ways of knowing are a highly visible, accessible and increasingly commonplace part of contemporary global life, permeating across spheres of politics, science and popular culture. Catalyzed by rapid developments in networked media and a political climate of enhanced government secrecy following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, thinking conspiratorially about power forms part of…

Journal cover
Mainstreaming intersectional equality for older people? Exploring the impact of quasi-federalism in the UK

Using an analytical framework based on European Commission directives and United Nations resolutions calling for a mainstreamed and intersectional approach to age equality, this paper examines the UK’s devolved administrations’ governance practices and territorially specific public policy on older people. The findings reveal mixed progress. Whilst a number of mainstreaming prerequisites have been secured and…

Psychotherapie im Alter 9(1)
Out of the shadows? Grandfatherhood, age and masculinities

Title translates as ‘Aus dem Schatten treten? Großvaterschaft, Alter und Männlichkeiten’ Recent years have witnessed an increasing recognition of the role of grandparents in contemporary families. However, there has been little if any research which emphasises the roles and relationships of grandfathers. And while the more limited contribution of grandfathers compared to grandmothers remains a…

Journal Cover
New Directions in Rural Studies?

This paper examines the local politics through which the reconstitution of rural localities under globalization is advanced and contested, with particular reference to the impact of international amenity migration. It contends that as globalization proceeds not by domination but by hybridization and negotiation, local politics is critical as the sphere in which the outcomes of…

Parliamentary Affairs journal front cover
Electoral Competition, Issue Salience and Public Policy for Disabled People: Westminster and Regional UK Elections 1945-2011

This paper explores the issue salience of social welfare for disabled people in electoral politics with reference to party manifestos in Westminster and regional elections in the UK. Innovative aspects include mixed methods analysis of multi-tier elections on a cross-cutting issue. The findings reveal an initial post-war clinical-medical approach to welfare and the subsequent emergence…

Applied Spacial Analysis and Policy cover
Book Review: GIS in Hospital and Healthcare Emergency Management

Introduction As evidenced by a burgeoning literature base in the last two decades, there has been a significant increase in the number of studies that have demonstrated the use of geospatial technologies in a range of health application areas. Notwithstanding such research efforts the jury is arguably still out on whether this has led to…

Qualitative Research 11(6)
Mundane Reason, Membership Categorization Practices and the Everyday Ontology of Space and Place in Interview Talk

In this article we aim to utilise and apply ethnomethodological and interactionist principles to the analysis of members’ situated accounts of regenerated urban space. With reference to previous empirical studies we apply membership categorization analysis and the concept of mundane reason to data gathered from situated street level interviews carried out as part of a…

People, Place and Policy Online 5(3)
Stay, Leave or Return? Patterns of Graduate Welsh Mobility

This paper presents the initial findings of a study into Welsh graduate mobility within the UK, which has a highly uneven geography of graduate labour. After surveying recent debates, the paper explores the extent to which Wales retains its graduate labour by examining the scale of graduate mobility and its nature in terms of qualifications….

Journal Cover
Walking, Welfare and the Good City

This article considers welfare and the city and the ways in which pedestrian practices combine in the management and production of urban need and vulnerability as manifest in the experience and supervision of urban homelessness. The article com-bines writings on urban maintenance and repair with recent anthropological work on wayfaring (in which cities seldom figure)….