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Your search returned 1159 results
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Age and Work-Related Health: Insights from the UK Labour Force Survey

Data from the UK Labour Force Survey (LFS) are used to examine two methodological issues in the analysis of the relationship between age and work-related health. First, the LFS is unusual in that it asks work-related health questions to those who are not currently employed. This facilitates a more representative analysis than that which is…

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Education for Global Development – Reconciling Society, State and Market

In 1997 John Martinussen’s “Society, State and Market: A guide to competing theories of development” was published in English. It was an important book, a model of its kind, written with lucidity and simplicity, and considered the most comprehensive account of international development then in print. As reviewers observed, its contribution was to discuss development…

The Contrasting Philosophies of Martin Buber and Frantz Fanon: The political in Education as dialogue or as defiance*

Education has two distinct but interconnected layers. There is an outer layer concerned with knowledge transfer and skills and an inner layer concerned with the development of character and relationships with others, both individually and socially. This inner layer provides the individual with the capacity to influence and to change society. In that sense, such…

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Which food and fitness interventions targeting children and young people will help address health inequalities?

Obesity during childhood and youth has reached epidemic proportions (WHO, 2000). Inaddition to the long-term health risks, obesity during childhood and youth is associated withmultiple adolescent health problems ranging from type-2 diabetes to depression (Lobsteinand Jackson, 2007). Being overweight during youth is also associated with a range ofadverse psychosocial outcomes including lower self-esteem (Griffiths et…

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The Substantive Representation of Women – Does Issue-Salience Matter? Party Politicization and UK Westminster Elections 1945-2010

This article: Responds to recent calls for a more holistic approach to studying the substantive representation of women (SRW). Specifically, it explores the nexus between the SRW and issue-salience. A theoretically-informed review of the literature and analysis of party manifestos in UK elections 1945–2010 both confirm that this matters to contemporary understanding of the SRW….

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Better quality work and better pay in the public sector?

The unadjusted public-private sector pay differential has attracted considerable political interest since the coalition government came to power in the UK in 2010. It has been used to justify changes to pay setting arrangements and the imposition of pay restraint on the public sector.However, previous analyses have shown that a large part of the premium…

Journal Cover
Is there a crisis in Welsh education?

The current state of Welsh education has become a matter of widespread concern in recent years. Certainly, many of those outside Wales have formed a view of Welsh education that is extremely unfavourable. For example, following a series of well-publicised clashes between representatives of the two governments, the UK Government has made clear its belief…