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Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers

What can the municipal state do to radically transform urban economies? Local government in countries such as the UK has been historically tasked with delivering public services; rarely extending its remit to economic develop-ment, let alone community-led forms promoting economic democracy, at least not since 1980s municipal socialism. But times are changing, and the UK…

Journal Cover
Exploring civil society perspectives on the human rights situation of LGBT+ people in the Caribbean Community

This study is the first pan-regional analysis of civil society organizations’ perspectives on the human rights situation of LGBT + people in Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries. Paradoxically, whilst UN treaties extend anti-discrimination rights to LGBT + people in most member countries, simultaneously, colonial-era legislation makes intimate same sex relations unlawful. Analysis of the corpus of civil society organizations’ (CSO)…

Reflections on the Parallel Practices of Police Ethnographers and Covert Police

Ethnography has a long history in the humanities and social sciences and has provided the base line in the field of police studies for over 60 years. We have recently witnessed a resurgence in ethnographic practice among police scholars, and this Handbook is a response to that revival. Students and academics are returning to the…

To Practice Sustainability in Architecture and Urbanism: Contemporary Approaches

Evolution of research on urban design has needed in some stages a deeper interdisciplinary relationship with other close fields, like Architecture, Ecology.  These eventual gaps led to some socio-economic and cultural problems in cities and regions worldwide. Milestones in this long journey arose. COVID-19 is one of them. These facts oblige the scientific community to…

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Towards 2030: The Politics and Technology of Smart Cities and Communities

Forthcoming Research Topic edited by Igor Calzada, Francesco Mureddu, and Smita Gupta Building on the Millennium Development Goals, the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the cornerstone of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, billed by the UN as “an agenda of unprecedented scope and significance.” The seventeen ambitious goals, which are intended to be…

Journal Cover
Are profiles of social, cultural, and economic capital related to living well with dementia? Longitudinal findings from the IDEAL programme

Rationale: Research exploring social, cultural, and economic capital among people with dementia is scarce. Objective: We describe levels of social, cultural, and economic capital in people with dementia at baseline and levels of social and cultural capital 12 and 24 months later. We identify groups of people with dementia having different combinations of capital and…

Peace Review 32(4) front cover
Peace Profile: David Davies, of Llandinam

David Davies, of Llandinam (1880–1944) was undoubtedly the most influential person in the peace movement in Wales during the first half of the 20th century. The grandson of a prominent Welsh industrialist and businessman, also David Davies, he inherited great wealth, from a family of preeminent social standing in Montgomeryshire, his county of birth. This permitted…