News and Blog

Professor John Morgan appointed to editorial boards of Russian academic journals

Professor John Morgan has been appointed to the editorial boards of two leading Russian academic journals. He joins Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniia (Sociological Studies), the journal of the Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences, and Filosofi Zhurnal (Journal of Philosophy), published by RUDN-Russia People’s Friendship University. Earlier this year Professor Morgan published Civil Society, Social Change,…

Dr Nigel Newton talks about closing the attainment gap on BBC Radio Wales

Following on from the previous Eye On Wales programme last month, when Dr Nigel Newton was involved in a discussion which introduced the new education system, Dr Newton now discusses whether or not the new curriculum will help to close the attainment gap. Almost two-thirds of teachers at schools that have trialled Wales’ new curriculum feel it will…

Youth volunteering is good for British democracy

Social Action as a Route to the Ballot Box is a project intended to determine whether schemes that promote youth volunteering can reduce age-inequalities in turnout. As previous posts have shown, it has found that such schemes can be powerful tools in improving the political representation of young people. Young people who volunteer are more…

Visiting Fellow from the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi – gives WISERD Seminar on Civil Society, Faith and Social Transformation in Rural India

On 25th July distinguished Visiting Fellow, Dr Sarbeswar Sahoo from the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi gave an informative seminar presentation entitled: ‘“The Lord Always Shows the Way!” Women’s Narratives on Conversion and Social Transformation in Rural India’. In the presentation Dr Sahoo analysed why, in today’s India, a large number of tribal women convert…

If your sexual orientation is accepted by society you will be happier and more satisfied with your life

In recent years LGBT+ rights have improved dramatically. Same-sex marriage is now legally performed and recognised in 28 countries. Equality laws protect LGBT+ people at work and increased media coverage is improving knowledge and awareness of sexual orientations. More is to be done, however, to ensure equality for all, and researchers have been looking into…

WISERD Annual Conference 2019 to take place 3rd-4th July

In two weeks’ time, WISERD will be holding its Annual Conference in the Medrus Conference Centre at Aberystwyth University. This year’s theme is Civil Society and Participation. Delegates will have the opportunity to discuss cutting-edge, inter-disciplinary research from Wales and beyond, focusing on approaches to civil society and participation that have been adopted in a…

Foundational economy presentation at UK2070 Commission event

  Professor Kevin Morgan from the School of Geography and Planning at Cardiff University presented research on the Foundational Economy at the UK2070 Commission: Wales Stakeholder Event, which took place at the Cardiff Business School this week. The UK2070 Commission is an independent inquiry into city and regional inequalities in the UK. Chaired by Lord…

WISERD presents at Hay Festival 2019

On Tuesday 28th May, Dr Jean Jenkins presented her research on employment rights at one of the world’s best-known literature festivals. Her talk, ‘Fashion – an Industry of Gross Exploitation’ explored the history of an industry that was long ago described as a ‘parasite industry’ as a result of the shocking mistreatment of its workers….