News and Blog

Brexit and Wales – The Key Questions

Over eighty people packed the Morlan Centre in Aberystwyth on Wednesday 25th January for the launch of the WISERD Centre for Welsh Politics and Society, with a lively discussion on ‘Brexit and Wales – the Key Questions’.   Following a week in which the Prime Minister Theresa May had set out her plans for negotiations…

WISERD Presentation at Westminster – Accountability: Re-thinking Feminist Policy Actors and Interventions

On Tuesday 17 January Professor Paul Chaney presented findings from the WISERD Civil Society Programme research project ‘Territoriality and Third Sector Engagement in Policy-Making’ at the House of Commons. The presentation at the ESRC ‘Feminizing Politics: Voice, Access and Accountability’ seminar highlighted the role of civil society as political space for accountability with a focus…

The IDEAL study: Finding strategies to live well with dementia

The National Assembly for Wales’ Health, Social Care and Sport Committee heard evidence earlier today on the draft national dementia strategy, ‘Together for a Dementia Friendly Wales 2017 – 2022’. Organisations such as The Alzheimer’s Society, Age Cymru, the Wales Carers Alliance and representatives from a range of healthcare professions shared their views on how…

The IDEAL study: Finding strategies to live well with dementia

Finding strategies to live well with dementia is increasingly a focus of UK government policy.  But, we know relatively about what living well with dementia means to the people and families affected by it, or what factors support living well and what factors act as a barrier to living well. I’m a qualitative researcher based…

WISERD research contributes to curriculum changes

Recommendations made by the Wales Institute for Social and Economic Research, Data and Methods (WISERD) and Cardiff University, as part of an independent three-year evaluation commissioned by the Welsh Government, have been used as part of the Welsh Government’s Foundation Phase Action Plan. The Foundation Phase is an exciting, flagship policy that marks a radical…