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Journal Cover
Praying on Brexit? Unpicking the Effect of Religion on Support for European Union Integration and Membership

This article examines how religious affiliation shapes support for European Union membership. While previous research has shown that Protestants are typically more eurosceptic than Catholics, little is known about the nature of this relationship: specifically, whether religion affects one’s utilitarian assessments of the costs and benefits of membership, or one’s affective attachment to the EU….

Journal cover
Transnational mobility and cross-border family life cycles: A century of Welsh-Italian migration

During the late nineteenth century, Italian immigrant settlement in Wales took the form of chain and clustered migration, based on origin-centred networks of extended family members. The original migrants’ reliance on transnational family support networks endured and evolved through descendant generations. Family formation and the progression of lifecycle care exchanges served as key drivers of…

Front cover of 'After Brexit: 10 key questions for rural policy in Wales
After Brexit: 10 Key Questions for Rural Policy in Wales

The Welsh rural economy is diverse but firmly grounded in Wales’s rich natural environment. Although agriculture is an important industry for Wales, and the dominant land use, it is one part of a complex picture. Rural areas are seen very much as a place of work, including in National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural…

Report Cover
Pushing the boundaries of Big Local

Big Local provides local areas with funding to support resident-led solutions to create lasting change. Starting in 2010, The National Lottery Community Fund (then called The Big Lottery Fund), identified areas that have since been described as ‘left-behind’ – areas that had been previously overlooked for funding and investment. In choosing the areas, consideration was…

Regional & Federal Studies Journal Cover
Towards a territorial political capacity approach for studying European regions

This article proposes a framework for studying the territorial political capacity of regions in Europe. The proposed framework identifies three main dimensions of territorial political capacity. Mainly material indicators include institutions and institutional resources. Mixed material and constructed indicators centre on causal mechanisms of party and leadership capacity. Mainly constructed indicators are drawn from territorial…

Journal cover
Elite city-deals for economic growth? Problematizing the complexities of devolution, city-region building, and the (re)positioning of civil society

The concept of localism and spatial delineation of the ‘city region’ have seen a renaissance as the de facto spatial political units of governance for economic development. One articulation of this has seen the creation of Cardiff Capital Region (CCR) to potentially enhance Wales’s poor economic performance and secure democratic forms of social cohesion. City…

Civil Society, Social Change, and a New Popular Education in Russia cover
Civil Society, Social Change, and a New Popular Education in Russia

Civil Society, Social Change and a New Popular Education in Russia is a detailed account of contemporary issues that draws upon recent survey research conducted by the Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as from secondary published work in both Russian and English. The book explores how social change and developments in civil…

Non-Technical Position Paper No.1: Exploring effective practice in civil society organisations’ promotion of citizenship rights, good governance and social justice in India and Bangladesh

This briefing is from the ‘Exploring effective practice’ project 2018-19 funded by the Academy of Medical Sciences. It reports on the findings of fieldwork, including a two-day workshop, with NGOs in India who represent different religions and work to advance gender equality.