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Education, Work, Social Change in Britain's former Coalfield Communities.
‘Dirty, Dirty Job. Not Good for Your Health’: Working-Class Men and Their Experiences and Relationships with Employment

This chapter is based on qualitative research conducted in Aber Valley, South Wales, which explores the employment experiences and relationships of a group of working-class men who rejected formal education in their youth. Drawing on data from semi-structured interviews and visual methods, participants’ experiences and relationships with employment are, it is argued, influenced by community…

Journal Cover
Investigating the impact of bank branch closures on access to financial services in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic

There is a longstanding policy interest in understanding the impacts of changes in access to public and private services in rural areas. To date much of the empirical analysis concerning changing patterns of accessibility has been predicated on assumptions regarding the mode of transport used to access such facilities. The availability of new and open…

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Classroom exclusions: patterns, practices, and pupil perceptions

This paper examines the under-researched phenomenon of classroom exclusions and their implications for school exclusions. Responses from nearly 1500 secondary school pupils indicate that being expelled from the classroom is a common phenomenon. On average, one-third of pupils have been asked to leave the classroom at some point in the previous year. However, it is…

Journal Cover
Exploring Civil Society Perspectives on the Situation of Human Rights Defenders in the Commonwealth of Independent States

This first pan-regional analysis of civil society organizations’ perspectives on the contemporary situation of human rights defenders (HRDs) in the Commonwealth of Independent States uses United Nations’ Universal Periodic Review (UPR) data and reveals a shrinking civil space as HRDs face a raft of rights pathologies, including threats, violence and murder. Their work is curtailed…

Book Cover
Civil Society, Equalities and Inclusion

Policy experts reflect on the first twenty years of self-governance in Wales. Following a 1997 referendum, the United Kingdom established the Welsh Parliament and began a process known as “devolution,” granting Wales increasing powers of self-governance over the next twenty years. This collection reflects on the course of Welsh devolution and the emergence of a…

front cover of paper
The UK Gender Pay Gap: Does Firm Size Matter?

Motivated by the introduction of the UK Gender Pay Gap Reporting legislation to large firms, defined as over 250 employees, we use linked employee-employer panel data from the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings to explore pre-legislation variation in the gender pay gap by firm size. In doing so, we integrate two prominent but distinct…

Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography
Situating spatial justice in counter-urban lifestyle mobilities: relational rural theory in a time of crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic has renewed the rural idyll, as urban-dwellers seek greener, safer spaces. If the counter-urban trend appears for novel reasons, it does so along lifestyle mobilities’ well-worn paths. These paths often depend upon spatial inequalities. Yet, despite awareness that inequalities undergird mobilities, spatial inequalities have remained under-theorized in the lifestyle mobilities literature. This…

Journal Cover
A typology of multiple exclusion homelessness

Quantitative exploration of sub-groups of people experiencing homelessness facing similar challenges, or multiple exclusion homelessness (MEH), is limited in Great Britain—as is discussion of what these groupings mean for policy and practice. Through secondary analysis of survey data from a study of single people experiencing homelessness in England, Scotland, and Wales, this paper aims to…