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Journal Cover
The Persistence of Union Membership within the Coalfields of Britain

Spatial variance in union membership has been attributed to the favourable attitudes that persist in areas with an historical legacy of trade unionism. Within the United Kingdom, villages and towns located in areas once dominated by coalmining remain among the strongest and most durable bases for the trade union movement. This article empirically examines the…

WISERD Research on Race and Ethnicity cover
WISERD Research on Race and Ethnicity

Discussions triggered by campaigns around the Black Lives Matter movement have prompted WISERD to reflect on our track record of research on the structural inequalities, unequal life chances and injustices associated with racism. WISERD has undertaken a significant amount of research on these inequalities. This review aims to highlight the range of research that WISERD has…

Sustainability 12(20) Journal Cover
Platform and Data Co-Operatives amidst European Pandemic Citizenship

Sustainability 12(20) 8309 Many European pandemic citizens will likely be unemployed during the COVID-19 crisis. This article explores whether it is possible to alter existing data governance extractivist models to incentivize the emergence of platform and data co-operatives to protect European pandemic citizens’ labor and digital rights. As such, this article aims to decipher the rationale…

The Labour Force Status of Transgender People and the Impact of Removing Surgical Requirements to Change Gender on ID Documents

GLO Discussion Paper Series 670 This paper uses data from the BRFSS over the period 2014-2019 to analyse the impact of removing surgical requirements to change legal gender. In many states transgender people are forced to undergo surgical procedures if they wish to change their gender on ID documents, which can be invasive, expensive, and…

Civil society approaches to tackling youth unemployment: a sub-state analysis of the UK

UK unemployment has risen to its highest in two years this month, from 3.9% in March to 4.1% in September. Young people aged 16-24 have been hit hardest, and July 2020 saw a 122% increase in young people claiming unemployment related benefits, that’s 241,700 more young people since March 2020. To date, one-third of 18-24-year…

Homeworking report cover
Homeworking in the UK: Before and During the 2020 Lockdown

In this report, Alan Felstead of Cardiff University and Darja Reuschke of the University of Southampton present new and up-to-date evidence on the scale of the shift of paid work into the home in the UK during lockdown, its impact on the mental well-being and productivity of homeworkers, and the likely prevalence of homeworking after social distancing restrictions are…

The Effect of the Great Lockdown on Homeworking in the United Kingdom

In this report, Darja Reuschke of the University of Southampton and Alan Felstead of Cardiff University present findings of their analysis of homeworking during the Coronavirus lockdown. Based upon data collected from approximately 7,000 people via the UK Household Longitudinal Study (UKHLS), the report focusses on the effect of the Coronavirus lockdown in the UK on both…

Struggle in the Garment Sector

Theory & Struggle 121(1) pp 68-77 This article considers what struggle means for the international garment worker of today. The typical worker will most likely be a woman experiencing exploitative and harsh conditions in a sector where, internationally, employers generally seek to crush independent trade unionism. The article briefly reviews the garment industry’s history, including advances…