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Skills Trends at Work in Britain: First Findings from the Skills and Employment Survey 2017

Skilled jobs benefit workers and the economy alike. This report examines the evolution of job skills, the changing importance of post-graduate qualifications and gender gaps in job skills over the last 20 years in Britain. Skills trends are contrasted with faltering technical and organisational change.

Journal cover
Unravelling the Global Wool Assemblage: Researching Place and Production Networks in the Global Countryside

This article applies an assemblage reading to the contemporary global woollen industry to demonstrate how assemblage thinking has value as a methodology for generating insights into the local impact of global economic restructuring; bridging concerns with the relationality of rural places and translocal production networks. Putting assemblage into research practice, we trace the interactions and…

Report cover
Forging an inclusive labour market – empowering workers and communities : an interim report on low pay and precarious work in Sheffield

The Sheffield Needs A Pay Rise (SNAP) is a campaign that has been initiated by Sheffield Trades Union Council (STUC). The impetus for the campaign was the earlier creation of the Britain Needs A Pay Rise organising theme by the national Trades Union Congress1 in the autumn of 2014. STUC has sought to develop this…

Front Page of Report
What are the Best Measures of Good Work? Three Principles for Measurement Selection

Job quality, or the promotion of good work, is a ‘hot topic’.  It has featured as a prominent element in three separate government reports published in the space of eight months.  This began with the publication of the Taylor Review of Modern Working Practices in July 2017.  One of its recommendations was that ‘more effort…

Book Cover
Research Methods in Employment Relations

Building on previous work that has examined the use of research methods in industrial relations/employment relations (IR/ER), particularly Whitfield and Strauss (2000), this chapter updates its empirical work and re-examines its key postulates. IR/ER research continues to show a wide range of research methods and approaches. It is highly empirical, with a large proportion of…

Journal cover
The dynamic effect of disability on work and subjective well-being

Using longitudinal data from the Household, Income, and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey (2001–2013), we examine the relationship between the dynamics of work-limiting disability, employment, and life satisfaction. By employing two alternative classifications of the dynamic trajectories of disability, we are able to explicitly consider the influence of disability exit in addition to examining…

Journal cover
The UK Gender Pay Gap 1997-2015: What Is the Role of the Public Sector?

The Labour Force Survey is used to examine the influence of sector on the UK gender pay gap 1997–2015. The assessment is twofold: first comparing gender pay gaps within sectors and second through identifying the contribution of the concentration of women in the public sector to the overall gender pay gap. The long-term narrowing of…