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Journal cover
The Impact of Domestic Mobility on Early Career Earnings: A quantile regression approach for UK graduates

This paper uses HESA data from the Destination of Leavers from Higher Education survey 2002/03 to examine whether more mobile students have an earnings advantage over those who are less mobile. We define mobility in terms of both choice of institution and location of employment. A clear finding that emerges is that mobility is associated…

The Manchester School Journal cover
The Dynamics of Disability and Work in Britain

This paper examines the dynamic relationship between work-limiting disability and labour market outcomes using longitudinal data created by matching individuals in the Local Labour Force Survey (2004–10). By applying event-study methods, changes in employment are traced through the onset of, and exit from, disability. These relationships are examined between subgroups of the population, including those…

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Knowing Localities

The WISERD locality research programme comprised a series of locality studies, carried out by six full-time researchers, based in Aberystwyth, Bangor, and Cardiff Universities. These studies were complemented by a suite of qualitative micro-locality and place-based studies Local knowledge in Context’, completed by researchers at Cardiff University. This podcast gives an overview of the research…

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Economic Austerity, Social Enterprise and Inequality

Economic Austerity, Social Enterprise and Equality is one of the four themes within the Civil Society Research Centre. This theme explores the inter-relationship between aspects of civil society and the economy in a time of austerity by examining how economic trends are related to key aspects of civil society including; levels of social enterprise, trade…

journal cover
Self-employment amongst migrant groups: new evidence from England and Wales

Self-employment constitutes a vital part of the economy since entrepreneurs can provide employment not only for themselves but also for others. The link between self-employment and immigration is, however, complex, especially given the changing nature of self-employment. We investigate the evolving relationship between self-employment and immigration using recently released microdata from the 2011 Census for…

Journal Cover
In debt to the time-bank: the manipulation of working time in Indian garment factories and ‘working dead horse’

In this article we focus on the creation of debt relations between workers and their workplace as a tool of managerial control in the garment factories of Bangalore, India. The currency of indebtedness in this case is working time and our focus is the manipulation of hours of work at the base of the international,…

Journal Cover
The determinants of skills use and work pressure: A longitudinal analysis

Employers, workers and governments all have a stake in improving intrinsic job quality since it can help to raise worker well-being and lower the social costs of ill-health. This article provides a unique insight into factors triggering changes to two key aspects of intrinsic job quality – the skills used and developed at work, and…

Report Cover
Making Sense of Official Estimates of Trade Union Membership

Different sources of data provide a generally consistent picture of downward trends in rates of trade union density, presence and coverage. Analysis however raises cause for concern regarding official estimates derived from the Labour Force Survey which underestimate the true extent to which unions are both present in the workplace and recognised by employers in…