News and Blog

Exploring international collaboration in child health and education research

Rob French leads the ADR Wales Education research theme. In this blog post, Rob describes how the intersection of education and child health data will be explored in a new special edition of the International Journal of Population Data Science. Linking child health and education data enables us to explore the mutual dependence of these two critical…

Festival of Social Sciences workshops to support children with additional learning needs

Jen Keating is a Research Associate from the ADR Wales Education theme and the WISERD Education Data Lab. In a new blog post, she describes two workshops she led in November for parents, carers, and educators on how they can best use national data to support children with additional learning needs (ALN) in Wales. These workshops took place at…

WISERD research presented to Welsh Government Minister

Sarah Murphy MS, the Welsh Government Minister for Mental Health and Wellbeing recently visited sbarc|spark to gather the latest research insights. WISERD researchers presented findings on how parents of neurodivergent children experience the school exclusion process and how we can use administrative data to improve education outcomes for children with additional learning needs. Excluded Lives…

Exploring a rights-based approach to school exclusion in Wales

At the recent WISERD Annual Conference, I gave a seminar with partners from civil society on school exclusion in Wales. The seminar explored the role of civil society in school exclusion and how families experience it. Below, I have included a summary of each presentation and a key takeaway for improving policy or practice. Excluded…

7th Foundational Economy Conference

The 7th Foundational Economy Conference, entitled ‘Making things work: social innovation for liveability’ was held at sbarcIspark on the 10th and 11th of September 2024. It brought together researchers and practitioners in themed sessions that explored foundational issues and interventions from Wales, the rest of the UK and all across Europe. Our challenge is making…

Importance of considering unmet health needs in persistent absence from school

Dr. Robert French is academic lead of ADR Wales’s education research programme. In this blog, he discusses his contribution to an inquiry begun by the UK Parliament examining persistent absence from school.  Levels of persistent absence from school amongst children have doubled since the Covid-19 pandemic. Statistics from the Department for Education show that, in England, one…

WISERD Annual Conference 2024

On the 3rd and 4th July, we held our WISERD Annual Conference 2024 at the University of South Wales and welcomed over 140 delegates from across the UK and beyond. Over 100 excellent posters and presentations come together under this year’s theme of ‘Aspiring to achieve a fairer society’. Professor Martin Steggall, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research)…

Teachers’ job quality is poorer in state schools than in private schools

New study shows 60% of state school teachers always come home from work exhausted, compared to 37% of teachers at ‘top’ private schools State school teachers more likely to be working at ‘very high speed’ with less autonomy State schools have lost over 15,000 teachers to private schools since 2014 State school teachers in England…

WISERD Education Multi-Cohort Study: 11th Annual Survey

Here, we provide a summary of key findings from our 11th survey (2022-23). Topics include trust in schools, pupil confidence, the Welsh language, school uniforms, climate concerns, pupil’s views on politics and the monarchy, recent strikes and protests, missing out on school trips, and pupils’ aspirations.                  …