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International Journal of Social Welfare
Challenging scalar fallacy in state-wide welfare studies: a UK sub-state comparison of civil society approaches to addressing youth unemployment

Here we make an original, empirical contribution to debates on welfare pluralism, the mixed economies of welfare and territorial rescaling by comparing civil society approaches to tackling youth unemployment in England, Scotland and Wales. Our core finding is that academic and policy literature’s frequent characterisation of the UK as a single Liberal welfare regime is…

Education, Work, Social Change in Britain's former Coalfield Communities.
‘Dirty, Dirty Job. Not Good for Your Health’: Working-Class Men and Their Experiences and Relationships with Employment

This chapter is based on qualitative research conducted in Aber Valley, South Wales, which explores the employment experiences and relationships of a group of working-class men who rejected formal education in their youth. Drawing on data from semi-structured interviews and visual methods, participants’ experiences and relationships with employment are, it is argued, influenced by community…

Journal Cover
Hyperconnected diasporas

This article argues that, since the COVID-19 outbreak, ‘digital diasporas’ worldwide may have been shaped through stringent postpandemic societal pressing patterns by increasingly further exposing diasporic citizens’ digital rights unwittingly towards unprecedented technopolitical risks. Against this backdrop, this article poses a novel term entitled ‘Hyperconnected Diasporas’ by suggesting (i) a technopolitical wake up call for…

Civil Society in an Age of Uncertainty - front cover of book
Civil society, pandemic and the crisis of welfare: exploring mixed economy models of welfare in domiciliary adult social care in a devolved UK

This chapter explores emerging evidence as to whether, in contrast to statist and market-based ‘for profit’ service delivery, civil society is the answer to meeting modern welfare needs. It examines one of the most pressing welfare challenges of the twenty-first century: adult social care (ASC). Underlining this volume’s central theme of the uncertainties of the…

Journal Cover
Investigating the impact of bank branch closures on access to financial services in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic

There is a longstanding policy interest in understanding the impacts of changes in access to public and private services in rural areas. To date much of the empirical analysis concerning changing patterns of accessibility has been predicated on assumptions regarding the mode of transport used to access such facilities. The availability of new and open…

European Journal of Homelessness. Volume 15 issue 3, 2021
The Promises and Pitfalls of Administrative Data Linkage for Tackling Homelessness

To meet the challenges of tackling homelessness in a changing world, we need to understand its extent, causes, and consequences, and the impacts of efforts to prevent and alleviate it. Robust evidence from a diverse range of sources is therefore required to inform policy making and service delivery. One approach to meeting this need is…

Session Scaling Citizenship. AAG Annual Meeting
Are Emerging Digital Citizenship Regimes Rescaling Nation-States? Datafied States and Algorithmic Nations at Stake

State institutions may have already monopolized contemporary practices around citizenship. Actually, so far, traditional approaches around citizenship have framed it at the scale of the territorial state. Nonetheless, over the last decade, the flagship Big Tech firms of surveillance capitalism, such as Google and Facebook, have already assumed many functions and concentrated excessive technopolitical power…

Journal Cover
Rural vitalization promoted by industrial transformation under globalization: The case of Tengtou village in China

Globalization has deeply changed the rural socio-economic form and spatial pattern, and caused a comprehensive and profound transformation of rural industries. By establishing a theoretical analysis framework for industrial transformation, this paper firstly reveals the internal mechanism of industrial transformation to promote the diversified development and comprehensive vitalization of rural areas. Taking Tengtou, a developed…