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Cover of Social Studies of Science.
SAGE advice and political decision-making: ‘following the science’ in times of epistemic uncertainty

This article presents a preliminary analysis of the advice provided by the UK government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) held between 22 January and 23 March 2020 in response to the emerging coronavirus pandemic. Drawing on the published minutes of the group’s meetings, the article examines what was known and not known, the assumptions…

Remote Working: A Research Overview (1st ed.). Routledge.
Remote Working: A Research Overview

The coronavirus pandemic forced work back into the home on a massive scale. The long-held belief that work and home are separate spheres of economic life was turned on its head overnight. Many employees were new to this way of working and many employers had to manage a disparate workforce for the first time. This…

Citizenship Studies 25(8) cover
The dilemmas around digital citizenship in a post-Brexit and post-pandemic Northern Ireland: towards an algorithmic nation?

Northern Ireland (NI) has pervasively been a fragile and often disputed city-regional nation. Despite NI’s slim majority in favour of remaining in the EU, de facto Brexit, post-pandemic challenges and the Northern Ireland Protocol (NIP) have revealed a dilemma: people of all political hues have started to question aspects of their own citizenship. Consequently, this article suggests…

Citizenship Studies 25(8) cover
Emerging digital citizenship regimes: Pandemic, algorithmic, liquid, metropolitan, and stateless citizenships

Citizenship Studies 25(8) pp 1-29 This article develops a conceptual taxonomy of five emerging digital citizenship regimes: (i) the globalised and generalisable regime called pandemic citizenship that clarifies how post-COVID-19 datafication processes have amplified the emergence of four intertwined, non-mutually exclusive, and non-generalisable new techno-politicalised and city-regionalised digital citizenship regimes in certain European nation-states’ urban areas;…

Eurasian geography and economics journal cover
The Cold War from the Margins: A Small Socialist State on the Global Cultural Scene

Eurasian Geography and Economics Forthcoming 2022 A book review of The Cold War from the margins: a small socialist state on the global cultural scene, by Theodora K. Dragostinova, Cornell University Press, 2021. There is a voluminous literature on the 20th century Cold War between the socialist Soviet Union and the capitalist United States of America…

Journal Cover
COVID-19 and the labour market outcomes of disabled people in the UK

The economic impact of COVID-19 has exacerbated inequalities in society, but disability has been neglected. This paper contributes to this knowledge gap by providing a comprehensive analysis of the differential labour market impact of COVID-19 by disability in the UK. Using data from the Labour Force Survey before and during the pandemic it estimates disability gaps in pre-pandemic…

Justifying Secession in Catalonia: Resolving Grievances or a Means to a Better Future?
Justifying Secession in Catalonia: Resolving Grievances or a Means to a Better Future?

This article advances understandings of secessionist strategies by examining how and why secessionist movements make the case for creating a new sovereign state. It draws on new empirical data to examine the ways in which pro-independence parties in Catalonia have justified their calls for the creation of an independent Catalan Republic between 2008 and 2018….

Journal cover
Psychological Processes in Adapting to Dementia: Illness Representations Among the IDEAL Cohort

How people understand and adapt to living with dementia may influence well-being. Leventhal’s Common Sense Model (CSM) of Self-Regulation provides a theoretical basis for exploring this process. We used cross-sectional and longitudinal data from 1,109 people with mild-to-moderate dementia in the Improving the experience of Dementia and Enhancing Active Life (IDEAL) cohort. We elicited dementia representations (DRs) using the…

Local Civil Society Book Cove
Local Civil Society: Time, Place and Boundaries

Civil Society Book Series 2021 Drawing on place-based field investigations and new empirical analysis, this original book investigates civil society at local level. The concept of civil society is contested and multifaceted, and this text offers assessment and clarification of debates concerning the intertwining of civil society, the state and local community relations. Analysing two…

Population Data Science for COVID 19
A population level study of SARS-CoV-2 prevalence amongst people experiencing homelessness in Wales, UK

Prior research into the prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infection amongst people experiencing homelessness (PEH) largely relates to people in communal forms of temporary accommodation in contexts where this type of accommodation remained a major part of the response to homelessness during the COVID-19 pandemic. Little is known about the prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 amongst PEH more broadly,…