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Développer un écosystème de preuves dans un petit pays : leçons galloises

 Revue internationale d’éducation de Sèvres 85 pp 135-142 Title Translates as Developing an education evidence ecosystem in a small country: Lessons from Wales This paper explores the challenges of developing an education ‘evidence ecosystem’ for Wales. It might be argued that Wales provides the perfect environment for developing such an ecosystem because of its size, commitment…

Rural Gerontology: Towards Critical Perspectives on Rural Ageing
Rural Studies of Ageing

Rural Gerontology: Towards Critical Perspectives on Rural Ageing  This chapter provides an overview of how ageing populations in rural communities and rural experiences of ageing have been studied in rural geography, rural sociology and related social science fields, reflecting the evolution of conceptual perspectives and approaches to rurality. We begin by discussing empirical accounts of…

Immigrant and refugee studies cover
Examining Political Parties’ Record on Refugees and Asylum Seekers in UK Party Manifestos 1964-2019: The Rise of Territorial Approaches to Welfare?

Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies 19(4) pp 488-510 This study addresses a key lacuna by analyzing political parties’ formative policy record on refugees’ and asylum seekers’ welfare in party manifestos for state-wide and meso-elections in the UK, 1964–2019. The findings confirm relational contrasts in issue-prioritization and the framing of pledges – between parties and across…

Regional & Federal Studies Journal Cover
Sentience and Salience – Exploring the Party Politicisation of Animal Welfare in Multi-level Electoral Systems: Analysis of Manifesto Discourse in UK Meso elections 1998-2017

This study explores the party politicization of animal welfare in the context of multi-level governance in the UK. It examines over 1300 pledges in party manifestos for Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish elections 1998–2017. It reveals the nature of party competition, including increasing salience over electoral cycles. This is complemented by examination of the party…

Publication Image
The Digital Transformation of Russia – Digital Skills and its Potential

65 percent of children entering primary school today will work in employment that does not yet exist; and by 2022 approximately 22 percent of employment in the global economy will be created by digital technologies. 73 percent of company managers say they have serious problems finding specialists qualified in such technologies, compared with 10 percent…

Journal Cover
‘We need to organise millions of people’ – how Alter Summit and DiEM25 struggle to create a European ‘modern prince’

The European anti-austerity movement is generally associated with spawning leftist electoral projects, which exemplify the domestic institutionalization of activism. That the movement also generated a number of transnational coalitions with unusually broad and far-reaching ambitions remained somewhat under the radar. Projects like Alter Summit and DiEM25 seek to expand the anti-austerity movement’s struggle to the…

Social Policy & Administration 55(5)
Evaluation in reinforcing and resisting hierarchical relations between state and civil society in the field of social policy

Here we present a critical exploration of evaluation as a concept within a state-led social policy programme. Studies critiquing this type of evaluation often assume its purpose is to provide knowledge and understanding of a given social policy, and its relative impact upon the social issue towards which it has been directed. However, drawing on…

WISERD Research on Race and Ethnicity cover
WISERD Research on Race and Ethnicity

Discussions triggered by campaigns around the Black Lives Matter movement have prompted WISERD to reflect on our track record of research on the structural inequalities, unequal life chances and injustices associated with racism. WISERD has undertaken a significant amount of research on these inequalities. This review aims to highlight the range of research that WISERD has…

Journal of Civil Society 16(3) cover
An Institutionally Ableist State? Exploring Civil Society Perspectives on the Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in India

Journal of Civil Society 16(3) pp 191-215 In response to international concerns about ongoing rights violations, this benchmark study analyses the situated knowledge of civil society organizations and examines their discourse on the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) in India. The findings show that Persons with…

Book cover of Handbook on the Changing Geographies of the State
Emerging citizenship regimes and rescaling (European) nation-states: algorithmic, liquid, metropolitan and stateless citizenship ideal types

From the Handbook on the Changing Geographies of the State – New Spaces of Geopolitics This chapter examines how state spaces throughout Europe are facing structural tensions as traditional ethnic nationalism increasingly comes into conflict with urban transformations. It argues that European citizenship is experiencing a unique set of city-regional and techno-political dynamics consisting of: (1)…