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International Encyclopedia of Geography cover
The International Encyclopedia of Geography: Regional Geography

Regions have been central to geography, and the discipline of geography can be traced through the different ways in which “the region” has been interpreted. Geographers have talked about traditional regional geography, the new regional geography, and the new regionalism. The current “new new regional geography” debate centers on whether regions can be seen as…

International Encyclopedia of Geography cover
The International Encyclopedia of Geography: Regulation

Regulation, the process of regulating or being regulated, is a geographical concern. Contra the thought processes of neoclassical economics and the assumptions of equilibrium and optimality, everything else is neither equal nor without hands. The economy, for instance, is not an unmediated outcome of universal and transhistorical processes operating across a featureless and stateless isotropic…

Report cover
Dysgwyr sy’n gadael y Chweched Dosbarth cyn Blwyddyn 13: nodweddion a chofrestriadau ar gyfer addysg bellach

Mae’n rhoi tystiolaeth feintioledig i ddangos faint o ddysgwyr ôl-16 nad ydynt yn cwblhau eu cyrsiau mewn coleg chweched dosbarth. Mae hefyd yn dangos faint sy’n symud ymlaen i’r sector Addysg Bellach. Mae’r adroddiad yn ystyried nodweddion dysgwyr nad ydynt yn cwblhau eu cyrsiau Safon Uwch a/neu gyrsiau Chweched Dosbarth eraill. Mae hefyd yn ystyried…

Journal Cover
Pathways and prospects in cancer research: Securing futures and negotiating boundaries

This paper draws on literature from the sociology of expectations to explore accounts of experts in cancer research and clinical practice. The cancer specialists’ accounts presented in this article are taken from interviews undertaken as part of a project that aimed to develop a research agenda for the next ten to thirty years that will…

journal cover
E.M. Forster’s ‘The Machine Stops’: Humans, technology and dialogue

The article explores E.M. Forster’s story The Machine Stops (1909) as an example of dystopian literature and its possible associations with the use of technology and with today’s cyber culture. Dystopian societies are often characterized by dehumanization and Forster’s novel raises questions about how we live in time and space; and how we establish relationships…

Journal Cover
Putting the ‘Amsterdam School’ in its Rightful Place: A Reply to Juan Ignacio Staricco’s Critique of Cultural Political Economy

This article responds to Staricco’s critique of cultural political economy (CPE) for being inherently constructivist because of its emphasis on the ontologically foundational role of semiosis (sense- and meaning-making) in social life. Staricco recommends the Amsterdam School of transnational historical materialism as a more immediately productive and insightful approach to developing a regulationist critique of…

Report cover
Gwerthusiad o Dechrau’n Deg: Deilliannau Addysgol

Nod rhaglen Llywodraeth Cymru, Dechrau’n Deg, yw gwella cyfleoedd bywyd plant ifanc sy’n byw yn rhai o’r ardaloedd mwyaf difreintiedig yng Nghymru. Mae pedair hawl gan deuluoedd â phlant sydd hyd at bedair oed: Gofal rhan-amser o ansawdd i blant dwy i dair oed, yn rhad ac am ddim Gwasanaeth a chymorth ymweliadau iechyd gwell…

journal cover
Varieties of academic capitalism and entrepreneurial universities

This article begins with a brief review of research on the development of ideas about the knowledge-based economy (analysed here as ‘economic imaginaries’) and their influence on how social forces within and beyond the academy have attempted to reorganize higher education and research in response to real and perceived challenges and crises in the capitalist…

Journal front page
Internet in Developing Countries – Higher Education and the International Digital Divide

The advent of the Internet has stimulated fundamental change in higher and further education. Teaching and the transmission of knowledge need no longer be restricted to a university campus, as students may take part in lectures from hundreds of miles away, while researchers collaborate through a global network. For many this digital revolution is already…

Réforme régionale et gouvernance multi-niveaux: la défiance des français

Montée des populismes, abstention récurrente, rejet des structures partisanes, profonde défiance vis-à-vis des élites politiques en général… La crise démocratique qui touche la France (comme d’autres pays comparables) n’est pas chose nouvelle1. Les derniers résultats d’une enquête de l’institut YouGov pour Sciences Po Lyon et Sciences Po Rennes révèlent le caractère multiniveaux de cette crise2….