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Economic Austerity, Social Enterprise and Inequality

Economic Austerity, Social Enterprise and Equality is one of the four themes within the Civil Society Research Centre. This theme explores the inter-relationship between aspects of civil society and the economy in a time of austerity by examining how economic trends are related to key aspects of civil society including; levels of social enterprise, trade…

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Generation, Life Course & Social Participation

Generation, Life Course and Social Participation one of the four themes within the Civil Society Research Centre. This theme will address the intergenerational transmission of values and beliefs and the intergenerational transfer of different forms of social, cultural and economic capital and how these relate to civil society. In so doing, it will explore variations…

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Self-employment amongst migrant groups: new evidence from England and Wales

Self-employment constitutes a vital part of the economy since entrepreneurs can provide employment not only for themselves but also for others. The link between self-employment and immigration is, however, complex, especially given the changing nature of self-employment. We investigate the evolving relationship between self-employment and immigration using recently released microdata from the 2011 Census for…

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Key Concepts in Rural Geography

Key Concepts in Rural Geography is a new kind of textbook that forms part of an innovative set of companion texts for the Human Geography sub-disciplines. Organized around 20 short essays, Key Concepts in Rural Geography provides a cutting edge introduction to the central concepts that define contemporary research in rural geography. Involving detailed and…

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In debt to the time-bank: the manipulation of working time in Indian garment factories and ‘working dead horse’

In this article we focus on the creation of debt relations between workers and their workplace as a tool of managerial control in the garment factories of Bangalore, India. The currency of indebtedness in this case is working time and our focus is the manipulation of hours of work at the base of the international,…

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International Migration, Agency, and Regional Development in Rural Europe

International migration to rural areas has become an increasingly important process in Europe, with the potential to act as a key driver of change in the localities concerned. Research has started to document patterns of international migration and the experiences of migrants, but this emergent body of literature is partial and fragmented between regional-scale studies…

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Diagnosing dementia: Ethnography, interactional ethics and everyday moral reasoning

This article highlights the contribution of ethnography and qualitative sociology to the ethical challenges that frame the diagnosis of dementia. To illustrate this contribution, the paper draws on an ethnographic study of UK memory clinics carried out between 2012 and 2014. The ethnographic data, set alongside other studies and sociological theory, contest the promotion of…

The Organic Crisis of the British State: Putting Brexit in its Place

The Brexit vote was a singular event that is one symptom of a continuing organic crisis of the British state and society and a stimulus for further struggles over the future of the United Kingdom and its place in Europe and the wider world. This crisis previously enabled the rise of Thatcherism as a neoliberal and neoconservative project (with New Labour…