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Your search returned 1159 results
Evidence to the Review of Higher Education Funding and Student Finance Arrangements in Wales

What follows is based upon analysis carried out by researchers at the Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research, Data and Methods (WISERD) over the past few years. This work is continuing and, accordingly, the results reported here should be seen as ‘interim’. However, further results can be made available to the Review; and we…

Journal Cover
Electoral discourse and the party politicization of sport in multi-level systems: analysis of UK elections 1945-2011

Mandate and accountability theory state that governments should implement the policies that they promised voters. Accordingly, this study addresses a key lacuna by exploring the role of electoral politics in shaping public policy on sport. Attention centres on issue-salience and policy framing in party manifestos in post-war UK elections. In an era of multi-level governance,…

Front page of report
Gender and Disability Disadvantage in the Public Sector, 1998-2012

There is a widespread perception that public sector offers an employment advantage for groups disadvantaged generally in the labour market. For example women are more than twice as likely to work in the public sector as men. The relative concentration of these protected groups within the public sector has increased over the past decade of…

Journal cover
Popularism and Punishment or Rights and Rehabilitation? Electoral Discourse and Structural Policy Narratives on Youth Justice: Westminster Elections, 1964-2010

This study explores the formative origins of youth justice policy and the discursive process of mandate-seeking in party manifestos in Westminster elections. Analysis of issue salience and policy framing reveals: party politicization, a significant increase in issue salience from the 1990s onwards, and a shifting structural policy narrative with inherent contestation and contradictions. The past…

Report Cover
Social Co-operatives: A Democratic Co-production Agenda for Care Services in the UK

Hardly a month goes by without another horror story in the press and media about a disturbing state of affairs in our health and care services. The prosecutions at Winterbourne View, the massive collapse and public sector rescue of Southern Cross are symptomatic of a national care service system in crisis. Is there a democratically…