
WISERD Job Opportunities at Cardiff University

Following major grant successes, Cardiff University is making a substantial investment in social science research and we welcome applications from exciting and dynamic researchers interested in working on cutting edge research projects within a leading Russell Group institution. The Wales Institute for Social and Economic Research, Data & Methods (WISERD) is currently recruiting for a…

WISERD, Wales DTC & Learned Society of Wales Award PhD Student Prizes

    As part of the WISERD 2014 Annual Conference, WISERD, in collaboration with the Wales DTC and the Learned Society of Wales awarded prizes to PhD students entering poster and essay competitions. Rhian Field from Aberystwyth University won the PhD student Poster Competition, with a prize of £200 being awarded by the Learned Society…

ESRC-Funded PhD Studentship in Social Sciences: Fuel Poverty in Wales

Applications are being sought for a prestigious (1+3 or +3) full time PhD Studentship which will undertake analysis on linked administrative data on fuel poverty and/or energy efficiency in Wales with secondary survey data. This studentship will be linked to the Wales Administrative Data Research Centre, the ESRC-funded initiative led by Swansea University. This studentship is…

WISERD celebrates a successful 2014 Annual Conference

The fifth WISERD Annual Conference was held on 3-4 July 2014 at Aberystwyth University. The event was a great success with nearly 130 delegates and over 70 papers presented throughout the two days. The programme reflected WISERD’s inter-disciplinary and inter-institutional profile, with presentations from researchers from the academic, policy, public and third sectors from across…