News and Blog

Brexit, young people and the parties I: Labour

Given that the EU Referendum was one of the most dominating, bitterly contested and emotional political campaigns in Britain for decades, that British politics is now and for the foreseeable future dominated by Brexit, and that support for or opposition to EU membership is a reflection of one’s deeply held political values, convictions and beliefs,  it…

Young people and Brexit: will Brexit spark young people’s interest in devolved Welsh politics?

Brexit in Scotland and Wales A majority 64% of young people voted in the UK referendum on EU membership last June, but 70% of them were disappointed. Media coverage brought this disappointment home with wide coverage of the generational divide, depicting a young generation forced to live with the consequences of a decision made by…

School allocations – an illusion of choice?

Thousands of families across Wales will shortly be learning which primary and secondary schools their children will be attending in September. For many, this will be their local catchment school, however for a sizeable minority, the outcome will not be what they wanted. Many will find themselves without a place for their child or have…

Young people and Brexit: A generational divide

  The EU Referendum highlighted a dramatic difference of opinion regarding the most important decision facing the British electorate for a generation, with younger voters overwhelmingly supporting EU membership while their elders voted to leave. This ‘generational divide’ has been a prominent theme in the media, which has repeatedly documented the anger and sense of ‘betrayal’ felt…

Why do we volunteer?

Hannah Blake is a PhD student at Cardiff University and recently contributed to the WISERD Cardiff lunchtime seminar series with a presentation on her master’s degree research into volunteer accounts of participation.   Research in the volunteering phenomena is increasing. Having been a volunteer for six years, the decision to undertake my own research in…

Biography as we know it

Dr Marta Eichsteller reflects on the challenges of biographical narratives in ethnographic research on civil society. Doing biographical narrative research as part of an ethnographic project is becoming established research practice. The method’s place in social research is to give context and meaning to what can be observed in the field and establish historical background…