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Your search returned 229 results
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Varieties of academic capitalism and entrepreneurial universities

This article begins with a brief review of research on the development of ideas about the knowledge-based economy (analysed here as ‘economic imaginaries’) and their influence on how social forces within and beyond the academy have attempted to reorganize higher education and research in response to real and perceived challenges and crises in the capitalist…

Journal front page
Internet in Developing Countries – Higher Education and the International Digital Divide

The advent of the Internet has stimulated fundamental change in higher and further education. Teaching and the transmission of knowledge need no longer be restricted to a university campus, as students may take part in lectures from hundreds of miles away, while researchers collaborate through a global network. For many this digital revolution is already…

Journal cover
The Impact of Domestic Mobility on Early Career Earnings: A quantile regression approach for UK graduates

This paper uses HESA data from the Destination of Leavers from Higher Education survey 2002/03 to examine whether more mobile students have an earnings advantage over those who are less mobile. We define mobility in terms of both choice of institution and location of employment. A clear finding that emerges is that mobility is associated…

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Sleepless in school? The social dimensions of young people’s bedtime rest and routines

There are increasing concerns that social pressures, such as family changes and social media, are ‘invading’ the sanctuary of the bedroom with the result that students arrive at school tired and stressed. This paper seeks to examine whether these concerns are justified and contribute to the growing literature on the social dimensions of sleep through…

Journal Cover
The application of network-based GIS tools to investigate spatial variations in the provision of sporting facilities

Methods whereby access to facilities can be captured in order to support national policies geared towards promoting sports participation and help plan the provision of local facilities are urgently needed. Objective measures derived from the use of Geographical Information Systems can be used to gain an understanding of spatial variations in the location and quality…

Maoist ideology and education

The aspiration and efforts of Republican China to establish the country as an independent, prosperous and powerful national collapsed under the storm of colonial aggression from Japan. The aggressor was defeated, but the rule of Republican China ended, following a civil war, with the coming to power of the victorious Chinese Communist Party in 1949….

An Evaluation of the Foundation Phase Flexibility Pilots Scheme

In Building a Brighter Future: Early Years and Childcare Plan (2013) the Welsh Government set out how it would make early years Foundation Phase provision more accessible. The ultimate aim of increasing flexibility of provision is to increase participation in the early years of the Foundation Phase. To further these aims in 2013 the Welsh…

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Individuals, Institutions and Governance

Individuals, Institutions and Governance is one of the four themes within the Civil Society Research Centre. The projects within this theme use the prisms of multi-level governance; neo-institutional theory and sub-national public policy-making to examine devolution and the changing relations between individuals, institutions in civil society and the state.