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Issue front page
The role of the researcher: when two social worlds collide

Researching marginalised communities is often thwarted by a number of ethical and moral problems. As social scientists, we are driven by the need to develop a greater understanding of how different actors make sense of their social world (Coffey and Atkinson 1996). Yet, representing data on marginalised communities can have many implications; potentially, we can…

Issue front page
Minding a mendacious methodology: Community-based research in a transition town

This paper sets out a conversation concerning some of the methodological and ethical issues we have encountered as part of our participation in, and research of, a prominent contemporary movement for community change and relocalization. In discussing the ethnographic methods we use to research the Transition Town movement1 we feel both duty-bound and inspired to…

Issue front page
Qualitative Researcher: Issue 11

Issue 11 of WISERD’s Qualitative Researcher contains: Methodological challenges of researching communities – Stephen Burgess, Kate Moles and Robin Smith Using film, video and other multi-media for engaging “hard to reach” young people – Martin O’Neill The role of the researcher: when two social worlds collide – Anne Foley Minding a mendacious methodology: Community-based research…

Issue front page
Connected Lives: Methodological challenges of researching networks, neighbourhoods and communities

This paper outlines two methods we used in Connected Lives: one of four projects of the ESRC National Centre for Research Methods: Real Life Methods Node. Connected Lives was a qualitatively driven mixed-method research project exploring networks, neighbourhoods and community. We set out to understand the dynamic, processual and contingent nature of relations within an…

Journal cover
Investigating the association between weather conditions, calendar events and socio-economic patterns with trends in fire incidence: An Australian case study

Fires in urban areas can cause significant economic, physical and psychological damage. Despite this, there has been a comparative lack of research into the spatial and temporal analysis of fire incidence in urban contexts. In this paper, we redress this gap through an exploration of the association of fire incidence to weather, calendar events and…

Report front page
Local Authorities and Education Research in Wales

This research project set out to examine the research activities, capacity and needs oflocal authorities in Wales. It arose from a more general concern about the level ofeducational research currently being undertaken in Wales with a view to exploringwhether it would be beneficial to bring local government and the higher education (HE)sector into a closer…

Book Cover
A Landscape of Memories: Layers of Meaning in a Dublin Park

The quote above is invoked at the onset to allow us to consider what memory is about. Remembering and forgetting are not opposites; instead they are both constitutive parts of what comes together to mean memory. Through remembering and forgetting, we privilege, we construct and we assign meaning. Certain things are retained, others detained, meanings…