Research projects

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Your search returned 157 results
New arenas for civic expansion: humans, animals, and Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)

New arenas for civic expansion: humans, animals, and Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) involves cross-national qualitative research to explore what factors shape individualism, and human and nonhuman relations in civil society, with reference to animal rights and welfare, and A.I. Start date provided is that of the WISERD Civil Society Centre. Work packages will have their own…

Machines, platforms and capabilities

Machines, platforms and capabilities utilises mixed methods to examine the significance of different sectors of the gig economy within local labour markets, and includes the study of co-operative alternatives to more dominant forms of platform capitalism. Start date provided is that of the WISERD Civil Society Centre. Work packages will have their own individual start…

Children and young people’s rights: formal and informal constructions of citizenship

Children and young people’s rights: formal and informal constructions of citizenship utilises an international comparison of the civic expansion of children’s rights in four Western countries (including Wales), and how this can rebalance the civic deficits associated with childhood. Start date provided is that of the WISERD Civil Society Centre. Work packages will have their…

Identity and civic divides in the UK

Identity and civic divides in the UK examines the relationship between different forms of identity (disability, sexuality, religion) and political participation and wellbeing. It explores whether identity groups experience differential abilities to exercise rights, and possible explanations for any differences. Start date provided is that of the WISERD Civil Society Centre. Work packages will have…

Digital archive of annual reports

A WISERD research team comprising Professor Paul Chaney, Dr Christala Sophocleous and Professor Daniel Wincott has worked with Wales Council for Voluntary Organisations (WCVA) and The National Library of Wales to create a historically significant digital archive of the Annual Reports of WCVA and its predecessor organisations. We are delighted to make this resource publicly and freely…

Excluded Lives

Excluded Lives is a multi-disciplinary project across the four jurisdictions of the UK led by the Department of Education at the University of Oxford and in partnership with the universities of Oxford, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Queen’s Belfast, and the LSE. The overarching aim of this project is to provide a comprehensive and multi-disciplinary view of the…

Inequalities, civic loss and well-being

Inequalities, civic loss and well-being uses innovative methods, including app-based surveys of spatial mobility and data linkages, to compare place-based and individual measures of accessibility, and explore how changing patterns of civic loss and gain relate to measures of health and well-being. Start date provided is that of the WISERD Civil Society Centre. Work packages…

Populism, conflict and political polarisation

The qualitative strand of this work package explores how the circulation of ideas, arguments and discourses within local civil society has contributed to the rise of populism and polarisation of politics in Britain and the United States, and what part civil society can play in addressing social and political polarisation. We are examining the relationship…

Civil Society Advocacy and the Rohingya Crisis in Bangladesh: Challenges and Resolutions

Led by Professor Paul Chaney, this international project links with Professor Nasir Uddin of the University of Chittagong, a leading international scholar on the Rohingyas. This new collaboration aligns with the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) call for new research on promoting human rights, good governance and social justice. By focusing on the recurrent Rohingya…

WISERD Education Data Lab

The WISERD Education Data Lab uses adminstrative data and advanced statistical methods to quantify trends in educational outcomes across Wales. Projects: Participation in and Progression Through Education in Wales A Geospatial Analysis of the Factors Shaping Educational Outcomes in Wales Does timing matter? Exploring the timing and impact of receiving Additional Learning Needs support on…

Understanding Welsh Places

  Overview Understanding Welsh Places is a website that aims to be the first point of call for statistical information about towns and communities in Wales. A significant proportion of people in Wales live in towns and small communities. Too often, however, such places are overlooked by public policy. While targeted funding exists for city regions and rural…

Social Action as a Route to the Ballot Box: Volunteering and Turnout

This project examines the benefits of volunteering for the political engagement of young people in the UK. Voting is the single most common and important form of political participation in a democracy, and yet today’s young voters have an unprecedented reluctance to turn up at the ballot box. What’s more is that this decline of…

ADR Wales

Administrative Data Research UK The ESRC, as part of UKRI, are funding an important new investment in research infrastructure to maximise the potential of administrative data as a resource for high-quality research in the UK – Administrative Data Research UK (ADR UK).  ADR UK  aims to engage government and academic communities in innovative research to address…

WISERD Politics and Governance Research Network

The WISERD Politics and Governance Research Network is a multidisciplinary network which brings together scholars who conduct and publish research that centres on Welsh politics and governance, from across the five WISERD partner universities. The Network is jointly led by Dr Matthew Wall and Dr Bettina Petersohn from Swansea University’s Department of Political and Cultural Studies. Network…

Operationalising Labour Rights ESRC GCRF

This is an international research project funded by the ESRC under the remit of the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF). It is a collaboration between researchers at Cardiff Business School and WISERD and our partners at Cividep-India. The research is distinctive in being a longitudinal, workplace-centred study of access to remedy at the grass roots…

Operationalising Labour Rights: Access to Remedy at the Workplace

The research investigates workplace the grievances of garment workers employed in factories in the city of Bangalore, south India. Specifically it examines access to remedy at the workplace, and seeks to illuminate local conditions against the backdrop of national and international forms of regulation.

Understanding the Gender Pay Gap within the UK Public Sector

WISERD researchers, Melanie Jones and Esgi Kaya have evaluated the size of the gender pay gap within UK public sector occupations such as teaching and nursing after they successfully secured a research grant from the Office of Manpower Economics (OME). The research has informed the work of the independent public sector pay review bodies. They used large…