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Book Cover
The Uses of Militancy in Regeneration: Negotiating Deindustrialisation

Published in Rethinking Work: Global Historical and Sociological Perspectives, edited by Rana P. Behal , Alice Mah , Babacar Fall. This edited volume brings together global interdisciplinary perspectives on work from different regions of the world, including Europe, Africa and Asia, drawing on both historical and contemporary examples. The contributions address wide-ranging themes such as…

book cover
The Importance of Place: restructuring as local-central negotiation

This chapter explores the question of how different places react to economic shocks. Increasingly, economic geographers, planners and sociologists have emphasised the importance of ‘place’ in understanding and recommending responses to short-term economic shocks and long-term socio-economic transformation. Consequently, there is a growing consensus within the local and regional economic development literature that ‘one size…