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The business of unfinished business: Reflections on co-construction of meanings in research encounters

My concern in this commentary is the discrepancy between cultural psychologists’ theoretical claims that meanings are co-constructed by, with and for individuals in ongoing social interaction, and their research practices where researcher’s and research participant’s meaning-making processes are separated in time into sequential turns. I argue for the need to live up to these theoretical…

Working Paper Cover
Whose Method is it Anyway? Researching space, setting, and practice

This paper was presented at the NCRM Oxford Methods Festival (2010) and considers some analytical problems observed within recent innovations in qualitative research; specifically, the use of GPS technology and the various ways in which such spatial data may be represented. The paper is intended as a reminder of the critique of the social sciences…

First page of report
PISA and the Politics of Welsh Education

Something peculiar seems to have happened to education in Wales. Not long ago, there was widespread consensus that parliamentary devolution had allowed successive Welsh Assembly Governments to develop important and imaginative policies across the whole range of educational provision, from early years to the universities. These policies were celebrated not merely because they were distinctive…

Quality of life in ethnically diverse neighbourhoods: Executive Summary

Many European countries have experienced a high level of immigration from all parts of the world in the past two decades and the population of visible minority ethnic groups has grown rapidly. Neighbourhoods with a high percentage of minority ethnic groups are expected to be relatively disadvantaged in social and economic terms. The in-movement of…

Report Cover
Quality of life in ethnically diverse neighbourhoods

Many European countries have experienced a high level of immigration from all parts of the world in the past two decades and the population of visible minority ethnic groups has grown rapidly. Neighbourhoods with a high percentage of minority ethnic groups are expected to be relatively disadvantaged in social and economic terms. The in-movement of…

Comparative Sociology 10(5)
Reframing Society and Culture in Post-Soviet Russia

How far have social theorists in Russia engaged with the international academic world since the era dominated by Soviet-style historical materialism? Mainstream theories in sociology and ‘culturology’ use new vocabulary but remain loyal to ideological interpretations of society and culture. A minority of Russian sociologists have translated, adopted and critiqued Western ideas. Works by three…

Devolution and Supporting the Poorest He

A created community, a Nation State, is strengthened by a sense of fair and equitable treatment. Within Nation States the allocation of public funds through national budgets acts to contain regional inequality and to provide a positive response to structural decline. The UK Treasury accepts need as the correct guide to spending on public services…

Innovation in the Welsh Automotive Industry: Challenges and Strategies

This paper seeks to understand the status of and changes in the Welsh automotive industry in the wake of globalization and the consequent structural challenges. Hailed as a budding leader in Europe in terms of auto-component production (where Wales purportedly boasts of supportive institutions, high quality infrastructure and flexible labour conditions), its ambition to maintain…

Knowledge-based Entrepreneurship and Innovation for a Prosperous Wales

Business entrepreneurs are at the heart of a dynamic, knowledge based economy. Understanding the early stages of business growth is critical to the development of a thriving economy. However defined, the rate of entrepreneurship in Wales consistently lags behind most regions of the UK. This policy brief reviews the connection between entrepreneurial activity and socio-economic…

Journal cover
Changes in the probability of voter turnout when re-siting polling stations: A case study in Brent, UK

Environment and Planning C, Government and Policy 29(1) pp 149-169 Recent initiatives for increasing participation in UK elections have yet to replace the traditional method of in-person voting at designated polling stations. Recent research has shown that voter turnout can be sensitive to geographical factors relating to the costs of voting, such as distance travelled…