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Report Cover
Social Co-operatives: A Democratic Co-production Agenda for Care Services in the UK

Hardly a month goes by without another horror story in the press and media about a disturbing state of affairs in our health and care services. The prosecutions at Winterbourne View, the massive collapse and public sector rescue of Southern Cross are symptomatic of a national care service system in crisis. Is there a democratically…

Journal cover
Multi-level systems and the electoral politics of welfare pluralism: Exploring third-sector policy in UK Westminster and regional elections 1945-2011

Electoral politics is a decisive formative and programmatic phase in the development of mixed economy approaches to social protection. This study examines the main issues and policy formulation concerning the role of the third sector in social protection in the manifestos of British political parties in the context of the Westminster elections and at regional…

Cymorth Cymru report cover
The Promotion of Social Enterprise, Co-operatives, User-Led Services and the Third Sector in delivering social care

Cymorth Cymru’s members working across the care and support sector have long been keen for Cymorth to extend its services to support their work in delivering care. Running alongside this, we have had an Inquiry into Residential Care chaired by Mark Drakeford, which called for a greater role for not for profit care providers and…

Journal cover
Age and Work-Related Health: Insights from the UK Labour Force Survey

Data from the UK Labour Force Survey (LFS) are used to examine two methodological issues in the analysis of the relationship between age and work-related health. First, the LFS is unusual in that it asks work-related health questions to those who are not currently employed. This facilitates a more representative analysis than that which is…

Journal cover
Disability and Perceptions of Work and Management

Matched employee–employer data from the 2004 Workplace Employment Relations Survey are used to examine differences in work-related perceptions between disabled and non-disabled employees. Even after accounting for differences in personal, job and workplace characteristics, disabled employees are found to hold more negative views on the treatment of workers by managers and, consistent with this, they…

Journal Cover
‘Why must I wait?’ Performing legitimacy in a hospital emergency department

This article examines the processes of negotiation that occur between patients and medical staff over accessing emergency medical resources. The field extracts are drawn from an ethnographic study of a UK emergency department (ED) in a large, inner city teaching hospital. The article focuses on the triage system for patient prioritisation as the first point…

Report front page
Evidence Symposium: Health Inequalities in Wales

There is wide variation in health outcomes even between countries at similar levels of economic development. Murray and Frenk wrote an evidence briefing on this topic for the World Health Organization in 2000 (1,2). That briefing discussed the several frameworks that existed then for measurement of health system performance and proposed a number of improvements…

International Journal of Manpower 34(2)
Welfare participation by immigrants in the UK

The purpose of this paper is to examine the welfare participation of immigrant groups in the UK, which has experienced a large growth in its immigrant flows and population levels in recent years, especially following EU enlargement in 2004. The analysis particularly focuses on the types of benefits that immigrants tend to claim, as well…